Chapter 46

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Jack:*wakes up first as he yawns and smiles when he looks down as sees Elsa sleeping on his abs with her arms and legs wrapped around his body as he chuckles and plays with her hair then sees the time and widens his eyes*shit! *strokes her back*Elsa wake up we will be later for school..

Elsa:*groans as she holds tighter onto him*

Jack:*chuckles*sorry~*smiles*babygirl come on its time for school~

Elsa:*groans yawning as she sits up and gasps feeling her back pussy and ass hurt as she blushes remembering how she got punished as she sees all the hickeys*mmmm~

Jack:*smirks looking at her and her body as he rubs her back softly again*you okay? ~

Elsa: yes daddy~*teases him as she falls back into his arms *

Jack:*widens his eyes then he smirks and uses one hand to grab both of hers then he slides his other hand down to her pussy grabbing it*you can call me daddy only when we're alone got it?

Elsa:*gasps feeling his hand grip her pussy as she blushes and nods looking at him in his eyes trying to take her hands back* got it daddy... *smiles*

Jack: good girl~*leans up kissing her deeply as he let's go of her hands and takes his hand off her pussy*

Elsa:*groans and whines*daddyyy.... ~~~*grabs his hand pulling him closes kissing him deeper as she brings his hand to her pussy again*

Jack:*smirks closing his eyes kissing her back deeper while rubbing her pussy slowly and teasingly then he mumbles*time for school~*lets go of her as he stands up still naked*

Elsa: nooooooo! ~~*rolls on his side as she ends up sitting as she wraps her arms around him and smirks grabbing his dick*lets skip~~

Jack:*widens his eyes as he groans a bit feeling her hands then he shakes his head and smirks*babygirl I said it's time for school so I suggest you let go of me and get ready I am serious..

Elsa:*stays like that few seconds then rolls her eyes and sighs pouting as she stands up and ignores the pain and pleasure feeling on her ass back and pussy as she walks out of the room*

*10 minutes later*

Jack:*walks down stairs as he smiles at anna noticing how red her face is*good morning anna

Anna: good morning*chuckles biting her lip *i saw Elsa this morning I guess it was the right choice to have a sleep over at Kristoffs

Jack: Mhm I guess it was the right choice but anyways~~ how was you're first time? How does it feel not being a virgin anymore~*wiggles his eye brows*

Anna: well it was ama----*stops and widens her eyes*wait! How the hell did you know!? I never told you or anyone!? How did you know!? *looks at him surprised*

Jack:*laughs and shakes his head*well first you were blushing all the time~ second you have hickeys that you forgot to cover and third I'm simply you're best friend---

Elsa:*interupts him running down stairs*you lost you're virginity!? You didn't told me!? What the hell Anna?! *sees the hickeys*omg! We're you drunk!? Who was it!?

Anna:*glups looking at her nervously and embarrassed a bit as she starts shaking*e-elsa calm d-dowm please.. I-i wasn't drunk... I-i w-wanted it to happen... I'm not a child anymore...

Elsa: I know you're not! But you could've told me! Anna... Let me guess you weren't going to tell me at all!?

Anna:*looks down feeling guilty as she slightly looks at Jack begging for his help as she mumbles*please...

Jack:*laughs then steps in front of Anna looking at Elsa* babygirl calm down like she said she made her own choice she wanted it so it happened no need to yell--

Elsa:*interupts him*you stay out of this!? It's not you're concern! I'm her sister her only family! I want to protect her! She can't just lose her virginity like that with Kristoff! he was a player and I don't think he changed----

Jack:*interupts her*so was I...

*Anna looks up at him shocked a bit*

Elsa:*stops as she thinks a but then looks at him confused*what...

Jack: so was I Elsa... I was a player to I had a thousand girlfriends that you don't know of... Even when you knew I was a player you gave you're virginity to me*walks closer to her*

Elsa:*looking at him knowing he is right*yes Jack I knew and I gave myself to you I trusted you... You make me feel complete you are my everything---

Jack: *interupts her again*then trust Anna and Kristoff as well... She knows what she feels and she wanted him... It happend you should be happy... I know Kristoff he truly loves her don't do something you will regret later

Elsa:*sighs rubbing her head as she smiles and looks at Jack*ehat would I do without you*kisses him deeply standing on her toes*

Jack:*smiles kissing her back wrapping his arms around her waist*

Anna: so you're not mad...?

Elsa:*breks the kiss and hugs her*im not... Like Jack said I chose to give myself to him just like you chose to give yourself to Kristoff... I'm proud of you baby sister~ now you know why I love having sex *winks at Jack*

Jack: damn right you do~*smirks and spanks her as he laughs and walks out*

Anna: okay okay let's just stop talking about sex*chuckles following him out*

*at school*

...........To be continued.........

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