Chapter 56

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Elsa:*when she hears Jack voice she freezes in place and instantly start shaking and tearing up as she whispers* j-jack....?.... *breathing heavily*

Jack:*standing behind her as he fold his arms * yes babygirl

*everyone is still shocked as they're happy he's back*

Elsa:*turns around and her eyes widen as she start crying* y-you came back... * breathing heavily as she smiles but her legs give up and she goes to fall down*

Jack: woah! *rushes to her grabbing her up holding her* I promised I'll come back *smiles*

Elsa:*bursts into tears as she hugs him tight and continues shaking*i-i missed you so much... I was always s-sad .. I need you Jack... I freaking can't l-live without you!! *gasping for air*

Jack: breathe babygirl... I'm here I'm back.. I'm not going anywhere*holding her tight and close *calm down....

Elsa:*still breathing heavily as she slowly calms down wiping her tears off as she smiles hugging him tight* don't ever leave again...

Jack: I won't leave babygirl... *kisses her head softly* and I know what you've been doing around here these past months.... To be honest I don't like what I'm hearing... *looks down at her*

Elsa: *widens her eyes because he knows* jack... I-i... I don't know what came over me... When I saw you leave that day I was lonely and I felt defeated... I felt weak like I couldn't even stop you from leaving.... S-so day by day I wanted .... power... I wanted people to see how strong I am.... *tears fall down her cheeks *I didn't expect I'll go this far... But I promise I'll stop!... You're the eonly one I need! Please don't go..!!

Jack:*smiles looking down at her* it's okay babygirl I understand.... *wipes her tears away* and I'm not going you're stuck with me forever

Elsa: I'm not complaining~*giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him deeply roughly and hungrily*

*everyone smiles and few start clapping*

Anna: FINALLY!!!

Astrid and Merida: HELL YES!!! *they all huh together*

*the bell rings*

Jack:*groans as he breaks the kiss* come on babygirl I don't want to be later *stands up then helps her up*

Elsa:*giggles and nods as she stands up while holding his hand*lets go baby*starts dragging him*

*everyone looks shocked and surprise how her attitude and mood changed *

*after the classes are over at the gate*

Jack:*walks out with Elsa *let's go back to the house babygi I have to unpack

Elsa: Mhm*nods*okay*smiles still holding his hand*

*in the same time Anna runs to them*

Anna:*runs in Jack's arms hugging him tight with her head snuggled into him as she giggles and smiles while making Jack let go of Elsa's hand*i missed you so freaking much!!

Jack:*chuckles hugging her back smiling*I missed you to Anna

Anna:*chuckles as she goes off him and kissed his cheek* don't go away ever again....

Jack: I won't I promise*smiles as he strokes her cheek*

Elsa:*watching them in jealousy as she rolls her eyes and grabs Jack's hand again* let's go babe *starts walking away*

Jack:*chuckles walking away with Elsa while holding her hand* okay okay*looks back at Anna* come on

Anna: coming! *rushes after them*

*at their house*

..........To be continued...........

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