Chapter 35

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Elsa:*walking down the cafeteria with Anna Astrid and Merida talking *

Hans:*sees her and runs to her hugging her tight as he sighs*baby I'm so sorry about what happened... I didn't want to fight Jack and I didn't want to hurt you... I'm so sorry... *looks at her*

Elsa:*pushes him off*are you crazy! *rolls her eyes*were done hans it's over--*he interupts her*

Hans: no baby you can't do this...! You know how much I love you and I never meant that to happen... And I know you love me to... Please baby don't end us..

Elsa: no Hans.. It's over me and you are done *sighs looking at him*i know how much you love me... We've been together for 3 years now.. You always understood me.. You were amazing but... It's not meant to be.. At first I didn't thought I'll end up with Jack but here we are... He.--

Hans:*interupts her*no Elsa... What you and Jack have it's not love! I'm sure he's just playing you! ---

Elsa:*interupts him*STOP! *looks at him*let me finish.... Look Hans... I love Jack okay... Yes I've knows you more yes you were my first everything... But were done I love Jack I will be with him he makes me feel complete... There's nothing you can do....

Hans: I see... *sighs looking at her*i wish you the best... *walks away*

Elsa:*takes a deep breathe and looks around seeing everyone from the cafeteria looking at her *what.. *rolls her eyes and walks away with Anna Astrid and Merida following her*

Anna: finally!!! *laughs walking next to her*

Astrid: it took you long enough girl~*chuckles eating her lunch*im proud of you~

Elsa: thanks girls I feel better already*chuckles*

*after classes at home*

Elsa:*walks inside with Anna and looks around*jack?... Jack!

Jack:*yells from upstairs*dont yell! I'm coming*laughs then walks down stairs with a bit of shaving cream on his cheek*hey you two

Anna: heyyyy~*chuckles and winks at Elsa*ill leave you guys alone*she walks upstairs*

Elsa:*chuckles shaking her head as she walks to Jack and wipes the shaving cream off his cheek then smiles*sooo~ I finally broke up with Hans... That means I'm all yours *giggles*

Jack:*widens his eyes I shock as he smiles widely*you did... Omg! You did! *chuckles and picks her up spinning her around happily*

Elsa:*gasps when he spins her and holds onto him*jack! Stop it you idiot! You'll get dizzy and faint!

Jack:*chuckles stopping as he puts her down then kisses her deeply and passionately*

Elsa:*smiles kissing him back deeply as they make out for few minutes then she breaks the kiss*im tired... *yawns*

Jack:*giggles picking her up walking upstairs in her room putting her down gently*do you want me to stay? ~

Elsa: hell yes let me get changed first*smiles standing up walking to her closet taking she school clothes off and putting her pj's on then jumping on the bed*come on~~

Jack:*chuckles*im coming~*walks to the bed laying down opening his arms*come here babygirl~

Elsa:*smiles laying in his arms on his chest snuggling into him*dont move let me sleep goodnight~*chuckles falling asleep instantly*

..........To be continued.........

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