Chapter 4

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Elsa:*looks at the door*who might that be?

Jack:you want me to check babygirl? *looks at her as he's still leaning on the table*

Elsa: no I'll take it *laughs*and stop calling me babygirl*rolls her eyes and walks to the door opening it as her eyes open wide *Hans? What are you doing here this late?

Hans:*smiles looking at her *I was passing by and I thought I would come and say hi*kisses her cheek*will you let me inside?

Elsa: yeah of course*smiles and steps aside*come on in *smiles*

Hans: thank you *smiles walking inside then sees Jack* umm who the hell are you?

Elsa:*closes the door and walks to him* I told you Anna's best friend is staying with us that's him his name is Jack

Jack:*walks to him as he's taller and much more musclar and handsome than  Hans* I'm Jack Frost nice to meet you*offers a handshake*

Hans:*looks at him a bit shocked then shakes his hand * I'm Hans Elsa's boyfriend it was nice meeting you to

Jack:*widens his eyes then looks at Elsa*why didn't you told me you had a boyfriend babygirl? ~

Hans: *looks at Elsa confused* babygirl?...

Elsa:*blushes * it's none of you're business you don't need to know if I have or don't have a boyfriend and please stop calling me babygirl...

Jack: not happening babygirl~*chuckles*well I should go to bed goodnight*walks upstairs*

Hans:*looks at you*why didn't you told me Anna's bestfriend looked like him

Elsa: what do you mean baby*looks at Hans confused*

Hans: I thought he will be an ugly young dude not tall handsome man *rolls his eyes*and why does he call you babygirl?

Elsa:*chuckles looking at him* are you jealous? ~*smirks*

Hans:*rolls his eyes *yes I'm jealous the way he looks at you is like he will snatch you right away I feel like he will take you away from me

Elsa:*smiles and sighs a bit as she thinks- I'm afraid he already started taking me away from you wait! What the hell Elsa ughhhh stupid brain! - *ohh baby don't worry *kisses his cheek*

Hans: okay if you say so*smiles *I should go and I'll see you tomorrow I'm taking us to school

Elsa:okay baby*kisses him then watches him leave as she sighs and walks upstairs in her room*

*the next morning*

Elsa:*wakes up when the alarm goes off as she sits up and groans rubbing her eyes turning it off*ughhh school... *sighs and stands up walking down stairs in her night gown as her eyes widen when she sees Jack*

Jack:*in the kitchen wearing just sweatpants as he's cooking and the table is already done as he outside the food down then notices Elsa *morning babygirl~

Elsa:*blinks few times blushing a bit noticing his 6 packs as she folds her arms looking at him*holly shit*walks to the table looking at the food*you can really cook you weren't kidding..

Jack:*chuckles and smirks looking at her up and down*dang babygirl you look even better than the food I made ~

Elsa: hey! *blushes harder looking at him*ill wake up Anna! *runs upstairs*

*10 minutes later Elsa and Anna walk down stairs all dressed up*

Anna: omg?! *giggles*evey thing looks delicious! *sits down *

Jack: thank you Anna *smiles as he's dressed as well and he sits down *I want you to be honest after you taste it ~ who cooks better me or you're sister ~

Elsa:*chuckles sitting down as well*ooo~ I'll definitely be me mister~*chuckles and takes a bite as her eyes widen*

Anna:*takes a bite as well and Anna's eyes widen even more as she swallows it instantly*MMM~~*giggles* sorry sis but I have to go with Jack ~*smirks* you should cook from now on~

Jack:*chuckles and smirks at Elsa*i told you babygirl*winks at her *but I still think what I said 10 minutes ago is true~

Elsa: what...*remembers he said that she looks even better than the food and she instantly blushes*hey! *looks down*shut up...

Anna: what did you say 10 minutes ago? *looks at Jack and Elsa*

Jack: nothing don't worry about it *chuckles *

*after the breakfast the door bell rings again *

Elsa: that's Hans he's taking us to school

Jack: let me take you there *smiles looking at both of them*

Elsa: no thank you*smiles walking to the door opening it*hey baby*kisses him*

Hans: hey Elsa*kisses her back*are you and you're sister ready to go?

*Jack and Anna walk out*

Anna:I'm sorry Hans but I'm going with Jack*smiles and runs towards jacks car *

Jack:*chuckles* buy you two *smiles at Elsa and walks to his car going inside driving away*

*Hans rolls his eyes and drives off with Elsa*

*at school*

.........To be continued........

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