Chapter 49

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*at the table*

Anna: okay what the hell happened back there you know with hand Rapunzel and you and jack?

Astrid: yeah what the hell happened*chuckles*first you were arguing then making out like crazy

Elsa:*blushes looking at them as she chuckles*nothing happened girls.. We were both jealous and we argued then ended up....

Merida: ended up eating each other's faces*laughs hard*

Elsa:*laughs and looks down embarrassed *yeah kind of...

Astrid: *chuckles looking behind Elsa*here comes you're boyfriend~

Jack:*walks to them and sits next to Elsa*hello guys and babygirl~*kisses Elsa cheek*

Elsa: you missed... *pouts*

Jack: I missed what? *looks at her confused*

Elsa:*rolls her eyes and chuckles*my mouth you idiot~*grabs his shirt and pulls him into her smashing her lips onto his kissing him hungrily*

Jack:*smikes and rolls his eyes backwards in pleasure as he kisses her back and grabs her hips pulling her on his lap as he grabs her ass*

Anna: *coughs*ahemmm!

Elsa:*breaks the kiss and rolls her eyes*sorry guys*chuckles then just hugs him snuggling her head in his neck* mmm~~ you smell amazing~

Jack:*chuckles holding her by her ass on his lap as he looks at everyone*do you guys have any plans for tonight

Hiccup: well I'm going on a date with Astrid

Anna: Kristoff has a family dinner so I have nothing to do

Merida: I have nothing either

Jack: baby do you want to go on a date? *makes Elsa look at him*

Elsa:*chuckles*how about we stay home watch movies while eating snake and cuddling? ~*kisses his cheek then snuggles into his neck again*

Jack: that sounds perfect babygirl*chuckles holding her*

*after classes*

*Anna and Elsa are st the gate waiting for Jack*

Anna:*chuckles and looks at Elsa* sis? Since when are you so into sex?

Elsa:*widens her eyes and blushes madly* where did this question came from?! *looks at her surprised*

Anna: wellllll *laughs*when you were with Hans lets say you never even touched him not have sex and now with Jack you're like touching him smelling him kissing him hugging him practically staying close to him all the time. What's up with that*laughs*

Elsa: well sis *looks at her*jack and Hans are two different guys.. Hand was good but Jack is perfect! *chuckles* well he smells amazing, his touch relaxes me , his hug makes me feel like safe and his kisses might just kill me one day~*smirks*plus you haven't had sex with him---

Anna:* thinks-lets tease her a bit-* then interupts her*how do you know I haven't had sex with him~*smirks*

Elsa:*when she hears Anna her eyes widen and her mouth opens wide as she instantly gets angry* what the hell!?! *looks at her* you. had. sex. with. you're. best. friend.. And you didnt tell me!?!
*pins her on the wall* this better be a fucking lie!!!

Anna:*widens her eyes looking at Elsa*woah Elsa since when did you become so violent with you're sister

Elsa: just tell me this is a fucking lie! *looking stupid her with nothing but anger* when was this!? When you knew I liked him and you still had sex with him! He's mine Anna! He's mine you should've never touched-----

Jack:*when he sees them he instantly interrupts them* babygirl!!! *grabs Elsa pulling her out of Anna*what the elk happened!?

Elsa: let go of me you bastard!*looks at him*you are mine! But no you still go after my sister and fuck her! Screw you!

Jack: wait wait wait hold up... Fuck you're sister... *glares at Anna* what the hell is wrong with you!?

Anna: *chuckles*hey I was just teasing her *laughs*I wanted to see if she really like really really likes you*laughs hard*

Elsa: what the....

Jack:*rolls his eyes and looks at Elsa*she lied to you babygirl*sighs*you know we're best friends I would never touch her she like a sisterto me.... Besides I love you and only you~

Elsa:*face palms getting embarrassed* fuck you Anna... Why did you play with my feelings like that*sighs and hugs Jack tight*thank god....

Jack:*chuckles and holds her*dont worry I'm on my yours

Elsa: damn right you are now let's go*grabs his hand and frags him to his car as Anna follows them*

*at their house*

...........To be continued........

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