Chapter 25

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*they arrive at Rapunzel's house*

Jack:*sees Rapunzel walk out then he goes out of the car and opens the door for her*this way sunshine~

Rapunzel:*giggles softly kissing his cheek as she goes inside sitting in the back with Anna because Elsa is in front with Jack*thank you frostbite~

Jack:*laughs going in the car*anytime~*chuckles and starts driving*

*at school as they go out and he parks the car and Astrid and Merida join them*

Anna: what do you guys have first?

Astrid: I have math with you Anna

Merida: and me and Elsa have history*rolls her eyes*

Elsa: fuckkkk~*laughs as she face palms*i hate history and the teacher

Rapunzel: I don't know what I have..

Jack:*laughs as he messes up her hair*we have English sunshine~

Rapunzel: ohh yes we do~*laughs*hey! *moves his hand away then fixes her hair*im going*pouts and starts walking away fast*

Hans:*walks to them and hugs Elsa from behind*hey beautiful~*kisses her cheek*

Elsa:*jumps and gasps a bit in shock then she fake smiles*hey hans

Hans: sooo theres a party tonight how about we all go except you*points to jack as he rolls his eyes *

Jack: what?... *looks at him then smirks and folds his hand*why can't I come? ~

Hans: because you're not invited~*smirks*my best friend is throwing the party and you aren't coming sorry loser

*Anna and Astrid gasp a bit while Merida chuckles*

Elsa:*widens her eyes in shock as she folds her eyes*well that was rude Hans.. *looks at him seriously*

Hans: ohh come on baby ~*takes her hand*we don't need a loser like him

Anna:well Hans if jack isn't coming I bet Rapunzel won't even consider it and I won't come either I'm not leaving my best friend!I love him to much *smiles*we go together all of us

Astrid: I agree with Anna *smiles*

*Merida nods as well then they all look at Elsa waiting for her *

Elsa:*glups as she looks at jack*

Jack:*folds his arms as he is looking at her and he smirks biting his lip*

Elsa:*takes a deep breathe as she thinks: fuck I love the way he is looking at me I would've pinned him on the wall but I can't! Ughhhh! Now what the hell is wrong with Hans it's like he changed and let me tell you if jacks not going nether am i-* they are right if jack isn't coming then we all aren't coming as well

Jack:*chuckles softly and winks at Elsa*

Elsa:*sees him and blushes like crazy as she looks away while her heart start beating fast*

Hans: what the hell is wrong with you all?! *rolls his eyes*fine he can come as well*walks away mad*

*they all laugh and the bell rings*

Anna: let's go guys we don't want to be late now do we*chuckles and leaves*

*after the class on their break*

Merida:*walking down the hallway with Elsa*sooo~? What's going on with you and Jack huh? ~

Elsa:*blushes hard and shivers a bit as she bites her lip and looks at Merida*nothing... We just really like each other..

Merida: I was talking about you're sex life with him~*smirks as she winks*

Elsa:*blushes more and instantly remembers the day they had sex as she shakes her head and looks away*we only had sex once... and we almost did it again but we only made out and Hans doesn't know about it...

Merida: I knew it! *laughs and hugs elsa then looks in front of them*well Elsa I think you should do something..

Elsa: what do you mean*looks at her confused then sees Rapunzel and jack*

Rapunzel:*standing on her tippy toes as she is fixing his hair and she's super close to him while blushing*

Elsa: now I know what you mean... *instantly gets jealous and clenches her fist as she walks to them and pulls Rapunzel off them grabs jacks hand*excuse us! *drags him in the girls bathroom*

Jack: woah! *looks at her*you okay babygirl?.. *goes to stroke her cheek*

Elsa:*slaps his hand away and pins him on the wall*so now I'm you're babygirl huh?! *jealous*

..........To be continued.........

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