Chapter 31

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*few minutes later the ambulance comes and takes him with Elsa going in as well holding Jack's hand still crying and shaking*

Elsa:*holding Jack's hand hard as she kisses it and whispers*come back to me handsome.... I alredy miss you~*sighs*

*about 10 minutes later they arrive at the hospital and take him in a room but they don't let Elsa in*

*soon after that Anna Merida Astrid and Rapunzel rush in*

Rapunzel: what did the doctor say!!? *looks at Elsa *

Astrid: is he okay....

Elsa:*takes a deep breathe*i-i don't know... They're taking care of him I haven't spoken to the doctor... yet*rolls her eyes at Rapunzel as she sits down and closes her eyes while rubbing her head and thinking: fuck you Rapunzel... I know it's not the time to he jealous but I am... Forget her... All I want is Jack... I want him to be okay to be with me... I need him... I never thought I would but here we are... I fucking love him... -*

*the doctor walks out*

Elsa:*jumps up and walks to him*please tell me some good news.... *looks at him shaking slightly *

Doctor: don't worry eveything is fine.. I hears and saw he got in a fight we treated the cuts and the bruises, they should heal in few days and the hit on the head wasn't that bad it didn't do any damage... We bandaged him but he will be dizzy, he will get head aches he might even faint so don't panic it's nothing serious but I'll be better if someone is with him

Elsa: *sighs in relief*dont worry doctor... I won't leave his side.. I'll make sure he gets better soon *smiles*can I see him?

Doctor: yes you can *smiles*he needs to stay few hours then we will let him go home *he leaves*

*Rapunzel goes to get in first but Elsa pushes her glaring at her then she goes inside*

Jack:*laying on the bed still sleeping as his head is bandaged so are the cuts*

Elsa:*sighs sitting next to him as she takes his hand again holding it tight*thank god... I thought you were---

Jack:*interupts her but has his eyes still closed*you thought I was going to leave you~nahhh it won't be this easy *chuckles squeezing her hand*

Elsa:*gasps widening her eyes as she giggles*ohh Jack... ~*smiles and leans kissing his cheek then punches his arm*

Jack:*looks at her and pretends like it hurts*oww! What was that for!?

Elsa: why did you keep on fighting!? If you stopped this wouldn't have happened!? *glares at him*

Jack:*rolls his eyes then chuckles*i wanted to fight him he deserved it and I would've won if it wasn't for that stupid rock*chuckles then relises Hans punched her*holy shit that mother fucker! *looks at her sitting up fast*are you okay?!

Elsa:*widens her eyes*hey dont do that!*leans him on the pillow*yes I'm okay dont worry about me I can take a punch

Jack: I know you can babygirl *sighs in relief then closes his eyes and holds his head feeling pain*fuck...

Elsa: you dont listen! *glares at him laying him back down*just rest no talking or moving

Jack: yes babygirl~*chuckles closing his eyes falling asleep*

*3 hours later as they arrive at the house*

...........To be continued..........

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