Chapter 60

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Elsa:*chuckles and leans her head back as she smiles and bites her lip* Jack?

Jack: yes babygirl? *leaves few hickeys then takes her shirt off and starts kissing her chest and breasts because she's not wearing a bra*

Elsa: it was a great idea but where did this vacation thing come from? *looks down st him as she slowly arches her back and let's out a moan* ahhh... ~

Jack:*chuckles and smirks looking at her* well we all seem like we need some time to relax and you know hang out so I thought why not ~*starts leaving bite marks*

Elsa: well it's an amazing idea~*koans a bit lauder as she smiles looking down at him* daddy I want you inside me ~~*whines* stop teasing meeee~~~

Jack:*chuckles then slides his clothes and the rest of her clothes off* alright alright~*rubs her pussy a bit then slams deep inside her as he groans * fuck...

Elsa: aghhhh!! *gasps and grips the sheets arching her back and biting her lip* yesss~! *moans and starts shaking in pleasure*

Jack:*chuckles and leans down sucking her breast while starting to pound her pussy brutally hard fast and deep*

Elsa:*closes her eyes moaning lauder and lauder with every thrust as she's gripping onto his back while making wet noises and dripping down as the bed shakes* ahhh!! Daddy!! Yes~~~!

*the next day they all started packing their stuff and planing what they will do while they're on vacation*

*the next morning the day they leave*

Jack:*wakes up first and starts putting their suitcases and bags in the car for 1 hour then walks to Anna and wakes her up and then walks to Elsa sitting down next to her* come on babygirl we need to go *smiles while softly rubbing her back*

Elsa:*groans and turns the other way as she mumbles* I changes my mind... I wanna sleep... Go away...

Jack:*shakes his head and laughs softly then he smirks getting an idea knowing I'll get her to get up* alright then*stands up* me and Anna are leaving, make sure to keep the house clean, we will see you in a week and don't miss me to much *smirks then starts walking towards the door*

Elsa:*hey eyes open instantly as she sits up and glares at him* Jack! Stop it! That's not a nice way to wake me up!ughhhhh *yawns looking at him as she pouts * commmeee hereeee~~

Jack:*chuckles walking to her* well I'm sorry babygirl but that was the only way I could wake you up* sits next to her then pulls her on his lap* you have 5 minutes

Elsa: that's enough~*smiles as she wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck then she starts kissing his neck and hugging him*

*30 minutes later they head out and arrive at the yacht and get in*

Elsa: really babe!?! A yacht*giggles sitting down on his lap and kissing his cheek*its beautiful and clever~

Jack: well thank you babygirl~*chuckles holding her as he smiles*just enjoy~

Anna:*chuckles looking at them* how long are we staying?

Jack: 4 days *looks at Anna* we probably won't do anything today so that makes it 3 days , I wanted it to be a week but it kinda didn't work out---

Elsa:*imterupts him* it doesn't matter baby ~ evey thing is perfect~

*few hours later*

* they all head in their rooms , leaving the bags unpacked and they all fall asleep*

* the next morning they unpack some of their clothes and then go to the beach *

Elsa: come on babyyyyy~~~*whines looking down at Jack as she's trying to make him go in the water* please~~

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