Chapter 50

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*when they go in the house Anna goes to walk upstairs but stops and looks at them*

Anna: try being quiet please~*laughs and before Elsa yells at her she runs upstairs*

Elsa: ughhhhhh!! Anna!!!!!

Jack:*laughs and covers elsas hand*she's right you know... You can get a bit to loud~*laughs then runs upstairs as well*

Elsa: Jack!!!!! Fuck you!! *starts chasing him upstairs and before he closes the door she gets in and pushes him on the bed then climbs on top of him and kisses him deeply while grinding on him*

Jack:*widens his eyes in surprise and shock then he smiles closing his eyes kissing her back deeply also putting his hands on her ass*mmm~

Elsa:*smiles closing her eyes making the kiss deeper as she smirk and grabs his dick making his gasps and she uses the opportunity to slide her tongue in and french kiss him*

Jack:*rolls his eyes backwards in pleasure while getting hard and gripping her ass more *

*few minutes later as they're still kissing and teasing evh other then Anna interupts them*

Anna:*leans on the door way as she smirk* I thought you were going to watch movies while eating snaks and cuddling? What happened to that~

Elsa:*widens her eyes remembering she left the door open as she breaks the kiss and blushes straightening up panting, turning her head to look at Anna*oops?

Jack:*laughs panting as well then be smirks and moves Elsa off him and he stands up*yes we will do that... Uhhh we were just warming up? *chuckles as he looks at Elsa*im getting the snaks *walks down stairs*

Elsa:*blushing madly as she nods looking at him* you do that and I will put on a movie and take blankets

Anna:*laughs hard*geez you two are crazy..*shakes her head giggling*anywayssss~ I'm going to bed so just promise me you won't be loud for this once? Please?

Elsa: you know I won't be able to keep my hands to myself... *sighs then nods*finnneee but this once *rolls her eyes*now get the hell away from us!

Anna:*chuckles and nods then walks in her room*

Jack:*comes back in the room with the snaks as he puts them down*babygirl--

Elsa:*walks out of the bathroom wearing a black laced pair of underwear as she smirks looking at him* yes baby?

Jack:*glups looking at her up and down with wide eyes then he sighs again getting hard*never mind *smirks* with you looking like that I don't think I will touch the other snaks because dang babygirl~*walks to her stroking her cheek while using his other hand to run his finders up her curves*

Elsa:*blushes already wet with her nipples hard but she whispers*we can't baby... I promised Anna we will be quite just once*looks up at him*

Jack: *widens his eyes then chuckles* okay then let's keep that promise~*takes his hands off her then walks to his closet putting on just grey sweat pants then he lays on the bed*

Elsa:*groans regretting making the promise as she sighs and turns the light off joining him on the bed turning on the movie while opening a back of chips*

*20 minutes later*

Jack:*watching the movie with his arm around elsa but not paying attention to her as he's not eating anything*

Elsa:*laying on his arm next to him as she looks at him and pouts as she smiles and takes his wrapped hand around her and makes him reach down to her brest*daddy....

Jack:*widens his eyes hearing her as he sighs and glups then smirks and grabs her breast*and you lasted about 20 minutes and the movie has 60 minutes left*laughs*

Elsa: *moans when he grabs her breast*what? *looks at him confused*

Jack:*smirks*i wanted to see how long you will last without being so "needy"

Elsa:*groans looking at him*well I am dang "needy"! *rolls her eyes*you better do something about it~

Jack: ohh I will but you have to be quite~*turns the movie and tv off then just turns on the lamb on the night stand as he smirks climbing on top of her*
be quite~

...........To be continued........

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