Cheaper 48

517 11 0

Mr. Smith: okay now I'll pair you with someone, you're partner and first you will stretch then each pair will get a ball and it's up to you, what will you do with it while in the mean time I have to visit the principal

*everyone nods*

Mr. Smith: okay so Merida and Flynn, Anna and Hiccup, Astrid and kristoff, Elsa and Hans, Jack with Rapunzel*he pair up each one of them*

Elsa:*widens her eyes and raised her hand with Astrid and Anna as well*

Mr. Smith: what's wrong girls?

Anna: sit I think I should be with my boyfriend kristoff while Astrid with her boyfriend hiccup

Elsa: AND I think I should be with MY boyfriend *glares at him*

Jack: I agree sir *smiles looking at Elsa*i want to be with my girlfriend

Mr. Smith: well that's to bad because I GIVE THE ORDERS HERE! *glares at them all*i told you you're partner now starts stretching! And Hans will watch over you all*looks at him*if anyone tries anything you come to me got it?!

Hans: yes sir! *nods at him then walks to Elsa *hey...

Elsa:*rolls her eyes then sighs and looks at him*don't try anything

*everyone goes to their partners*

Elsa:*sighs and looks away from Jack and Rapunzel trying to contain her jealousy as she sits down with her legs straight and stretches *

Hans: *smiles a bit then chuckles*try this *kneels down bending her legs up then he makes her lay down then helps her back up *try faster

Elsa: thank you Hans*widens her eyes a bit then smiles and holds her legs still then keeps on laying and sitting up while stretching forward*

Hans: you're welcome and you're good *smiles then sits down next to her doing the same * can we still be friends *looks at her*

Elsa:*sighs then smiles looking at him*of course we can Hans... I would love to be you're friend again...

*in the mean time Jack sees them*

Jack:*looking at Elsa noticing she's smiling and not minding him as she takes a deep breath then walks to the door jumping up holding onto it as he does pull ups *

Rapunzel:*butes her lip looking at him as she walks to him*hey I want to try that...

Elsa:*turns her head and blushes when she sees Jack then she glares when Rapunzel walks and talks to him*

Jack:*sighs and let's go standing on his feet* what are you doing Rapunzel... U know you're after me but why I told you I'm with Elsa... ---

Rapunzel: *interupts him*stop it Jack... I know you love her and I can see she loves you as well but if I was you're girlfriend I would never in a million years be with my ex boyfriend and by the looks of it she doesn't mind his presence...

Jack:*looks at them then sighs looking back at Rapunzel*well you both think differently then *smiles*okay come on *leads her below the door then lifts her up so she can grab it*

Rapunzel:*glups and blushes a bit but starts shaking*please don't let go...

Jack:*chuckles*dont worry I'm not letting go*smiles and helps her going up and down*

Elsa:*stops and stands up as she watches them*uhhhh...

Hans:*stands up and stands next to her*you need to stop with the glaring you know he loves you but still I wouldn't get that close with let's say and ex girlfriend

Elsa: yeah I know... ---

Rapunzel: yay I'm doing it! *giggles but in the same time her hands slip and she let's go of the door*ahhhh! *ends up falling on Jack*

Jack: woah! *stumbles back and falls down on the floor with Rapunzel on top of him*what happened...? Are you okay?

Rapunzel:*chuckles and looks at him*im perfectly fine and comfortable*laughs going off him and helping him up*thanks for the safe landing~

Jack:*laughs looking at her standing up as hes still holding her hand* you are so much welcome----

Elsa:*interupts him by grabbing his hand off hers and dragging him away from everyone in the corner*what the hell Jack!!

Jack:*looks at her *what Elsa...? Is everything okay?

Elsa: are you serious right now!? You know that's Rapunzel right? You know she's crazy over you but you still talk to her touch her and help her ohh by the way be the hero!?

Jack:*shakes his head looking at her*just stop it Elsa you know I feel nothing for her all I did was "save" her so she doesn't get hurt and I have to talk to her I'm human so she is annnnd in order to help her I have to touch her?!

Elsa:*widens her eyes a but then pins him on the wall*i know that Jack! All I'm saying is that she's Rapunzel the one that's crazy over you the one that will do anything! Don't get close to her!

Jack: ohhh I see what this is*rolls his eyes*youre jealous that I'm talking to her while you in the other hand are with Hans all laughing and smiling and giggling letting him help you! That's Hans you know! The one that was trying to take you away from me! I get jealous to Elsa!

Elsa:*widens her eyes and takes a step back* you are jealous... Jack that was nothing he just asked to be my friend and helped me there's nothing to be jealous about

Jack: that's exactly what I'm saying you have nothing to be jealous about we were just talking and I was helping her! *glares at her as he pins her on the wall*i love you and only you!

Elsa: I know that and you should know i love you and only you as well! *looking up at him angrily as she's glaring*

Jack:*keeps looking at her for few seconds then he smiles*fuck.... You're so beautiful when you're angry~*kisses her deeply*

Elsa:*widens her eyes kissing him back then she pushes him off*i do not! Stop talking nonsense! *flips them over so that she's pinning him then she states at him for few seconds and says*i guess that's true *smiles and smashes her lips onto his while wrapping her hands around his neck and pressing her body onto his*mmmm~

Jack:*smiles closing his eyes kissing her back deeper wrapping his hands around her waist *

*they make out for 2-3 minutes and when they pull off they see everyone looking at them smirking*

Elsa: u-uhhh... *blushes and looks down in embarrassment as she snuggles into Jack*

Jack:*chuckles holding her then looks at them* what are you all looking at!! Go back to what you were doing!?!

*everyone runs in their place and they continue*

*after the glass at lunch time*

...........To be continued...........

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