Chapter 36

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*the next morning*

Jack:*wakws up yawning as he feels elsa still laying on his chest as he looks down at her and smiles stroking her back softly then softly moves her off him and stands up walking down stairs*

*1 hour later elsa wakes up*

Elsa:*wakes up and moves around trying to find jack on the bed but when she doesn't she groans and stands up*i told him not to move~*laughs getting dressed as she walks down stairs*

Anna: hey let me pour the chocolate! *holding the melted chocolate in her hands*i want to do it!

Jack: you will not! You don't know how I'm the chief here! *laughs trying to take it off her hands*

Anna: I'm a chief as well! *starts running away in the living room around the couch*stop chasing me!!

Jack: I will not until I get whats mine and that chocolate is mine! *still chasing her*

Anna: you will get it *laughs and  dips her fingers in the chocolate then splashes him with the chocolate and runs in the kitchen laughing

Jack:*widens his eyes in shock as he looks down seeing his abs chest and face are with chocolate*you will pay for that! *goes to run to Anna again but sees elsa and smiles*good morning babygirl

Elsa:*standing there with her arms crossed as she looks at him up and down and laughs but still feels a bit jealous good morning *chuckles walking in the kitchen*why did you did that to my boyfriend huh Anna? ~

Anna:*glups and puts the chocolate down knowing she's in trouble*im very sorry! *looks at elsa*im going to go now... *laughs nervously and goes upstairs in her room*

Jack:*chuckles*nice work babygirl~*smiles taking the chocolate spreading it on the cupcakes *there we go*smiles then looks at elsa made these especially for you~

Elsa:*chuckles looking at him then bites her lip*i see something better... *walks to him leaning him on the counter as she licks a bit chocolate up his chest and smiles*delicious~

Jack:*widens his eyes as he smirks looking down at her*you are naughty this morning I see~*chuckles*

Elsa:*smiles and amirks *yes I am~starts licking off the chocolate on his chest as she hooks her fingers on his pants and she whispers*i really want you~*kneels down licking  the chocolate off his abs*

Jack:*bites his lip looking down at her leaning on the counter*babygirl we really shouldn't do this here~*chuckles looking down at her

Elsa: I'm not doing anything I'm just cleaning you up~*chuckles and winks at him licking the last chocolate on him then she stands up*lets go upstairs~

*before he answers the door bell rings*

Elsa: really!? *rolls her eyes*ughhhh I should take that*walks to the door and opens it*what are you guys doing here?

Astrid: we came to take you with us~

Merida: yep all of you come on get ready were doing to the beach~*laughs*

Elsa: I was busy! *rolls her eyes again*

Astrid:*widena her eyes*oooo shit... *laughs*oops I guess*chuckles walking inside *hey Jack

Jack:*chuckles walking to them*hey girls you kinda interrupted us~

Merida: we figured~*laughs*anhwas go get ready were going to the beach!

*Elsa walks to Jack and holds his hand then drags him upstairs*

...........To be continued...........

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