Chapter 32

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Jack: I'm finally out of that shit hole*laughs and looks down at Elsa*

Elsa:*holding his arm helping him up a bit as she laughs as well*that shit hole saved you *chuckles and sits him down on the couch*do you need anything?

Jack: nothing*smiled leaning back on the couch*im perfectly fine*smiles*

Anna: thank god you're okay... *sits next to him and hugs him*

Jack:*chuckles hugging her back*im always okay~*laughs*

*Merida Astrid and Rapunzel rush in*

Rapunzel: frostbite! *sits next to him on the other side and pushes Anna hugging him tight as she's crying*fuck you!

Jack:*laughs as he hugs her back*no thanks sunshine~

Elsa:*glups and rolls her eyes as she sits down on the other couch opposite of him as she sighs and looks down*

Astrid:*notices and smiles a bit then looks at Rapunzel*let the man breathe *pulls her off*we have something else to talk about

*that all look at Elsa*

Elsa: what?..... *looks at them then realizes what they mean and glups*oh

Merida: ohh yes missy~ we haven't forgotten about the FACT that you broke up with Hans in some kind of way by telling him you don't look at him the same way like before and you like Jack and you need Jack ~

Anna:*chuckles and smirks looking at her*yeah tell us what's happening sister~

Elsa:*blushes madly as she looks down embarrassed*guys!.... *glups*please don't..

Astrid: no no you will tell us~ what is happening*chuckles*so did you broke up with Hans? ~

Rapunzel: yeah we really want to know*folds her arms looking at Elsa with jealousy*

Jack:*keeps looking at Elsa smiling already knowing how she feels*

Elsa:*sighs and looks at them all while still blushing*i didn't have the time... but yes I will break up with Hans... I-i feel nothing for him...well not anymore because.... *takes a deep breathe*

Merida:*smirks looking at her*mhmm go on becauseeeee~

Elsa: *smiles slightly as she looks at Jack and blushes more*b-beacause I fell In love with Jack... *blushes harder getting more embarrassed as she stands up and goes to walk away*

*everyone gasps that she actually admitted she loves him*

Jack:*smiles widely as he stands up and grabs her hand stopping her as he pulls her making her face him then he brings his hands up and cups her cheeks*i fell in love with you to Elsa~*smiles then lean down and kisses her softly and passionately*

Elsa:*widens her eyes by his action then she smiles and kisses him back but makes the kiss deeper and takes his hands putting them on her waist while she wraps her hands around his neck*

*everyone smiles and claps for them but Rapunzel storms out of the house*

*they make out for few minutes*

Astrid: okay you guys that was enough*laughs and stands up then looks at Merida*we should go

Merida:*nods and stands up as well*yep I'm super tired...

Elsa:*breks the kiss as she blushes then walks to them and hugs them both*thank you guys for everything... I'll see you two at school

Astrid: no problem*smiles *see you tomorrow*they leave*

Anna: do you need my help you lovebirds~

Elsa:*blushes and glares at Anna*no thank you!

*Anna laughs and runs upstairs*

Elsa:*blushes then looks at javk and holds his hand*you want to take a shower?.... *smiles*

Jack:*smiles then beings her hand up and kisses it softly*as long as you join me~*winks at her*

Elsa:*blushes harder as she shakes her head*im not joining you jackass~*laughs dragging him upstairs*i will help you thought~

Jack: *smiles*then yes I want a shower~*chuckles following her upstairs in his room*you want me to get naked~

.........To be continued..........

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