Chapter 15

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Elsa:*blushes hearing him say that as she smiles then nods and thinks: I can't believe I'm actually doing this... This will count as cheating and I don't want to hurt Hans but in the same time I want Jack... I want him and I want him bad-*

Anna: I'll leave you guys alone~*chuckles and takes her bags as she runs upstairs*

Elsa:*blushes harder and walks to Jack looking up at him as she's nervous*u-uhh

Jack:*chuckles looking down at her*let me help you babygirl~*smirks and leans down a bit as he takes her hands and wraps them around his neck*

Elsa:*bites her lip starting to breathe heavily as she's looking at his eyes but then looks down at his lip and smiles closing her eyes as she kisses him deeply and shivers run down her body and she feels butterflies in her stomach*

Jack:*widens his eyes that she actually kisses him then he smirks and kisses her back as he wraps his hands around her waist pulling her closer *

*they make out for 5 minutes*

Elsa:*pulls off him breathing heavily as she's wet and her nipples are hard and she blushes dark taking her hands off his nack*t-that was...

Jack:*smirks licking his lips*babygirl that was amazing~ *winks at her*you know I said a quick kiss ~?

Elsa:*widens her eyes blushing harder*OMG! I'm so sorry i-i.... *glups*it felt right I wanted more *looks down *

Jack: it's alright babygirl I'm glad it wasn't just a quick kiss~*chuckles and walks to her making her look up at him*i can see it turned you on~

Elsa:*blushes and feels how wet she us and how hard her nipples are craving for Jack's touch as she runs to her bags*i don't know what you're talking to! *quickly takes them and runs in her room breathing heavily*fuck....

Jack:*yells from down stairs*whatever makes you sleep later~! *laughs going in his room*

Elsa:*rolls her eyes playfully as she blushes and goes in the bathroom taking a shower as all she can think of is Jack how he makes her feel after the shower she puts the clothes in her closet and tries to sleep but can't because of thinking about Jack*ughhhh! *stands up as she's wearing short shorts and a bra and she walks down stairs going in the kitchen*

Jack:*alredy in the kitchen as his pouring a water then sees her and smiles softly*can't sleep?

Elsa:*gasps and jumps a but*holy--! *takes a deep breathe as she blushes and  croses her arms covering her breasts *yeah I can't sleep

Jack: same *smiles and pours water for her*i can't stop thinking about you~ and our kiss~*bites his lip handing her the glass of water as he's just in grey sweatpants*

Elsa:*blushes dark taking the water and quickly looking at him up and down as she glups and sits down*i-i can't stop thinking about it either.... *takes a sip*

Jack:*smirks leaning on the counter* babygirl if I kiss you again will you freak out and be mad? ~

Elsa:*blushes harder as she shivers and bites her lip as she thinks: what do I say what do I say... I can't stop thinking about him I can't stop thinking about his lips on mine! And I have to say Hans hasn't even passed through my mind at all! UGHHH!! Fuck it!! -*

Jack: come on babygirl it's a simple question~ is that as yes or no?

Elsa:*bites her lip and stands up walking to him wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him down and kissing his deeper that before *

Jack:*widens his eyes in shock but he smiles and smirks in the same time kissing her back deeply and passionately as he grabs her by the ass lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist*

Elsa:*gasps a bit in shock but smiles and gets turned on more as she uses her hand and moves his hands on her ass then she breaks the kiss a bit and whispers * r-rub it Jack... ~*panting a bit then kisses him again running her hands through his hair*

Jack:*smirks and groans getting harder and harder as he's kissing her back deeper and he uses his tongue to explore her mouth while he starts rubbing her ass making her moan*

*suddenly the light turn on and they stop and see Anna looking at them*

Anna:HOLY FUCKING SHIT! *looking at them shocked *

..........To be continued..........

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