Cheaper 3

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Elsa:*looks at Anna with a shocked face*what is wrons with you Anna?! *rolls her eyes *what's with all the questions?

Anna:*chuckles*what I was just curious~ I mean you were drooling over my best friend and I'm positive I've never seen you drool over you're own boyfriend ~

Elsa:*blushes a bit and she rolls her eyes looking at Anna*hey don't judge me.. This is the first time me opening my front door to a handsome man...

Anna: you open you're door for Hans all the time yet you never drool~

Elsa:Anna! *glares at her still blushing*im used to Hans*rolls her eyes again* I didn't thought you're best friends with... *blushes harder realizing what she was about to say*

Anna:go onnnnnnn~~~ with what~ I won't stop until you tell me*chuckles looking at Elsa while eating her food*

Elsa:*rolls her eyes*i didn't thought you were best friends with a gorgeous looking man okay... *blushes*

Anna: HA!! *laughs*I knew it you like him!

Elsa: what! No I don't I just think his handsome goddammit Anna!! *rolls her eyes getting angry*just shut up...!

Anna:*laughs*okay okay fine I'll shut up*smirks* you really need to stop rolling you're eyes or you're eyeballs will pop out~*laughs*

Elsa:ughhhh!! *glares at her *

Anna:*looks down holding in her laugh as she continues eating*

Jack:*walks inside ith his suitcases*are you beautiful girls okay?~

Anna:*smiles and looks at him*ywah were just talking *chuckles*I made her angry ~

Jack:*sees Elsa glaring at Anna then he chuckles*you should stop talking ~*laughs and walks in his room *

*30 minutes later*

Jack:*walks out of his room and sees the living room is empty then hears noises in the kitchen and walks there seeing Elsa washing the dishes*hey

Elsa:*looks at him still doing them* hey are you all done? Do you like the room?

Jack:yes it perfect thank you for letting me stay *smiles looking at her leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets*where's Anna?

Elsa:she said she will take a shower *smiles then looks at the dishes as her aapron is about to open up*shit.... ---

Jack: here let me*walks to her standing behind her as he takes it and ties It back together standing close to her as he can smell her colone and he smirks *

Elsa:*blushes feeling his presence behind her as I bites her lip and glups*t-thanks... *smiles continuing with the dishes*

Jack:*smiles* anytime*sees more dishes on the table*doesn't Anna help you around the house? *walks to them as he picks them up handing them to Elsa*

Elsa:*still blushing a bit*no she doesn't.. I can do it by myself I don't want her to help me... I've always been like a mother to her *smiles taking his dishes*

Jack: *smiles*you really are the best sister in the world *chuckles*well now I'll help you around~

Elsa:*laughs*ohh come on don't make me laugh~

Jack: *smirks*I'm not joking you know~ if I'm a man doesn't mean I can't do house stuff~

Elsa: ohh really~? *chuckles as she finishes with the dishes and she stops the water then looks at him leaning on the counter and folding her arms * well can you cook~?

Jack:*chuckles leaning on the table* yes I can~*smirks*

Elsa:*widens her eyes then states at him*shut up you can not

Jack: yes I can*smirks*im a man with many talents~*smirks* I'll make the breakfast tomorrow~

Elsa: *looks at him as she's serious* are you lying? Because if you are and if you burn my house down tomorrow I'll... --

Jack:*laughs* I'm not lying I promise*looks at her and sticks out his picky* I picky promise I can cook and I won't burn you're house down~

Elsa:*chuckles and pushes his hand away*fineee~*smiles taking her aapron off* we'll see~

*the door bell rings *

.........To be continued.........

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