Chapter 16

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Elsa: Anna!! *widens her eyes in shock and embarrassment while she's blushing *what are you doing up!? *goes off Jack and glups looking at her*

Jack:*smiles awkwardly as he looks at Elsa then at Anna*yeah what are you doing up this late?...

Anna: really guys! I just walk in on youre make out session and that's what you ask!? I should be the one asking that! Why are you two up this late and why we're you making out!?

Jack: Well first we couldn't sleep... *looking at Anna*and... *he gets interrupted*

Elsa:*sighs*and second we got carried away nothing more, it was a mistake nothing else... *looks at Anna nervously as she thinks: I can't believe this! First we kissed again! Second we get caught! And third I totally lied at the end! I mean it wasn't a mistake! Ughhhh!!-*

Anna: Mhm sure I'll act like I believe that and you! *points to Jack*lets talk! *grabs him dragging him away*

Jack: uhhhh okay.... *smiles a but and chuckles then looks at Elsa and mouths*goodnight babygirl~*he winks and gets dragged *

Elsa: ughhhhhh! *covers her face blushing as she smiles and giggles a bit*goodnight Jack~*goes in her room*

*the next morning*

Jack:*walks in Elsa's room letting the smell of the pancakes he made get in as he smirks*come on babygirl time to wake up~*opens the curtains*

Elsa: Noooooooooo.....! *turns her head the other side ready to fall asleep then smells the pancakes and sits up straight*you made breakfast?!

Jack: I sure did babygirl~*smiles and walks to her kissing her head*come on get ready I'll wait downstairs*he goes to leave*

Elsa: hey jack!... *grabs his hand and makes him look at her *what did Anna say to you....?

Jack: don't worry babygirl*smiles*she said she knows we will end up together*laughs* but for now she won't tell Hans she said she will let you make the choice whatever that means *smiles then walks out*

Elsa:*sighs and looks down*yeah the choice... *starts getting ready*

*10 minutes later*

Elsa:*walks down stairs and sits now next to Anna as she sighs then looks at her*look Anna about last night...I--

Anna: what about last night? I don't remember anything did something happen? *she smiles a bit*dont worry sis I know nothing

Elsa:*smiles*thank you Anna *kisses her cheek*youre the best but now let's eat these pancakes from the chief~*chuckles and takes a bite*mmmmm~~*moans a bit biting her lip enjoying the taste*

Jack:*glups a bit getting turned on by her moans then he sits down *babygirl keep on moaning and you won't make it in school today~*winks at her*

*Anna coughs a bit laughing*

Elsa:*blushes like crazy opening her eyes wide in shock as she starts coughing and she drinks the orange juice*jack! Quit it! *rolls her eyes playfully getting turned on as well*

Jack: okay okay for now at least~*chuckles and starts eating*

*after they finish with the food and take everything Jack drives to the school as Hans walks up to Elsa *

Hans: hey baby*goes to kiss her*

Elsa:*sess and panics a bit as she turns her head and he ends up kissing her cheek then she giggles nervously*hey b-babe how are you? You didn't call me?

Hans: I'm alright*a bit confused but he thinks it's nothing and just holds her hand*i thought you were asleep and I didn't want to bother you*smiles then whispers in her ear*i want you so bad..~ this time I'm not drunk and I want to remember everything~ especially you're moans~*smirks*

Elsa:*blushes a bit biting her lip but doesn't get turned nor shiver in pleasure as she gets uncomfortable and thinks: what the hell! Since when does he want to do this!? I can't even kiss him without thinking about Jack and now have sex with him! Hell no! Only jack--- FUCK he's behind us he can her us no no no!! -*

Jack:*hears what he whispered as he sighs and rolls his eyes in jealousy and anger of how close he is to her and she clearly doesn't like it *Hans my man this really isn't a good time for that---

Hans: shut the fuck up idiot! I'm not talking to you I'm talking to my girlfriend*he clares at Jack then looks back at Elsa*ehat do you say babe? ~

Jack:*clemches his fist and jaw ready to punch him*

Anna:*sees and whispers*ohh fuck.. *grabs him dragging him away*we will leave you guys alone~!

Elsa:*glups and sees how mad Jack is as she sees he's jealous and she wants to run to him but in the same time she sees the love in Hans and doesn't know what to do as she thinks: what do I do now? I don't know! Fuck! Hans is looking at me with love he really want us he really wants me but in the same time Jack he's jealous and I like that it makes me smile and plus my heart and brain go to him... Ugh!!! What the hell do I do?!? -*

..........To be continued..........

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