Chapter 1

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It was Sunday morning, dark clouds covered the sky like a blanket. The sun was nowhere to be seen but this was a normal day in Tokyo. I had to move school's because my mom was changing jobs and had to change locations. The sudden changes didn't bother me because back at my old school I'd get bullied on the daily. My mom doesn't know about any of this because if she did, she'd probably murder those girls who did so.

I'm a 17 year old who lives with her mom in an apartment complex. My dad left when I was still a baby so I don't remember him at all. I had friends but most of the time I'd have to move places because of my mom's work so keeping them wasn't an option. We were currently packing up our stuff, loading it in the car. I was rummaging through some old pictures when I saw a photo of me standing next to my mom, holding a bear but next to me there was this kid. He had unusual white hair and nothing else could be seen in the picture, just his face and hair.

Hmm that's weird...I don't remember seeing this kid before. Maybe he's just a random dude who happened to photobomb our pic.

"Hey, Y/n! Hurry up! We're leaving soon." I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. I quickly shoved the picture on my dresser and grabbed my backpack with clothes, looking at my room one last time before closing the door.

"Okay! I'm ready!" I happily said before shutting the apartment door, following behind my mom. My mom only mentioned the name of my school that I was going to, Kaisen Institute. The name was quite unique so I was curious about the school.

"So mom....Where exactly are we going? And my school, is it nice?" -Y/N

"Yeah yeah it's nice. Actually i heard one of your really old school friends go there...I can't remember the name but I'm sure you'll like it there. Plus we'll live close to your school so you can walk." -Mom

"Well that's nice. By the way, mom...if you need help, I can start working part know to help with the bills. I don't mind." -Y/N

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine. I can handle this. I can handle don't need to worry." -Mom

We were in her car already halfway to our destination. When we got there, the neighborhood was quiet but it was somewhat peaceful. Our house was actually couple streets away from the school. It was much bigger than our first house and our neighbors seemed quite nice seeing how they greeted us warmly as we pulled up. The inside was unique with wooden designs, antique furniture and an attic. It was 2 stories and had it's own pool.

"Mom! How did you afford this?! T-this is a lot." -Y/n

"Well I have been saving...And yes I know I didn't tell you. I wanted this to be a surprise. I think we might stay here longer than expected." -Mom

There were 4 rooms on the upper flat so I took the room furthest away from the steps. My room was bigger than my last and it had its own bathroom which was cool. I took my time and unpacked my stuff, mostly the important ones. On our way here, we had to stop and buy supplies for my transfer to Kaisen Institute. I was kind of excited to see my new school and meet new people, hoping they'd be different from the last set. When I was finished with unpacking I went downstairs to meet my mom in the kitchen preparing food.

"Y/n...I know moving schools is probably hard for just tell me if you need anything, okay? And if anyone bullies you don't hesitate to tell me not like what you did last time." -mom

"Last time- you mean you knew?!" -Y/n

"Well of course I knew. I also knew you hid it from me because you'd think I'd go crazy so I just let it slide but next time please don't forget to tell me." -mom

"Mommm you're acting as though I got a black belt in Taekwondo for nothing. I can take care of myself." -Y/n

"I know but sometimes it's okay to let loose. If you get sent to the principal's office because you injured someone I won't get mad. I'd say "you did the right thing" and secretly be proud of you. Now I'm not saying I'd let you go around beating people up-" -Mom

"Mom you're the best," I exclaimed before letting her into a tight hug. She really was the best and was the sweetest to me. Surprisingly she wasn't strict at all but she did have rules that I'd have to follow.

"Tomorrow's the big day. You should get some sleep for school. Oh, you also have to wear uniforms...Did you iron them?" -Mom

"Oh sh- I better get going then. Good night mom." I said before planting a soft kiss on her forehead. I quickly ran upstairs to get my uniform. It and just black. It fitted perfectly so ironing them was the only problem. And indeed it was a problem. I accidentally burnt it a little while I was scrolling through my phone. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! How could I burn the damn thing this easily- why do we even need uniforms?! Is this some kind of private school- who cares i just need to find a way to hide this before my mom sees- I can't be this bad at doing simple things...

I quickly ironed the rest of the uniform before hanging it up nicely. As I was about to sit down I felt something in my pocket. I took it out and saw that it was the same picture I had picked up when I was back at my old place...
Didn't I leave this on my dresser....? I totally remember how did it reach in my pocket?? I looked closely at the picture and noticed the kid that I saw before gone....he wasn't there anymore. It's like he was never there- Did I hallucinate this stuff?! Uh...maybe I just need sleep. Yep! Sleep! It's been a long day.

| A/N |
The first set of chapters are kinda slow but later as it progresses it'll be alright :)

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