Chapter 6

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I was so dazed in thoughts that I didn't hear Yuji calling for me. My eyes slowly moved from the mysterious kid to the pink haired kid who I considered my friend.

"What?" I questioned in bedazzlement. I finally turned all my attention to him only to realize the spectacle I caused. Everyone was looking at me, either with stupid grins or embarrassment plastered on their faces. I quickly scanned everyone around me and saw that Mr. Satoru had his hands crossed resting on his chest.

"Yes.....?" I shyly answered knowing that he probably called for me but I was too lost looking at the mystery that sat beside me. I sighed then quickly apologized asking Mr. Satoru to repeat his question or whatever he wanted to say.

"I heard you had a strange encounter yesterday." His voice slowly reminded me of the frightful occurrence that took place. The thought of the horrid creature sent shivers down my spine.

He wasn't finished so he continued.

"...with a demon."

Everyone around me gasped in shock upon hearing his words. Echoes of my classmates muttering filled the room and became too loud.

"Silence!" Mr. Satoru hushed them then averted his gaze back at me.

"Is it true?" He asked, stepping closer. Tension started to build up inside me. Everyone else also shifted closer, forming a circle around me. I took a deep breath, letting the horrifying images out of my mind.

"Yes....unfortunately it is."

Everyone looked at me, wild expressions formed on their faces. Some looked like they were filled with disbelief while others were too shocked to speak. I looked over at Mr. Satoru once again and saw a worry-full expression on his face.

"It's ok though, I'm fine now." I repeated to ease the tense atmosphere. It just happened that the mysterious kid finally awoke after all the commotion we caused. I looked over at him but he just sat there with a dull expression on his face.

"And you escaped without any injuries??" I heard Megumi ask from behind Yuji.

"Well—" I was about to explain but the kid next to me nudged me, cutting me off. He finally looked at me for the first time but with furrowed brows like if telling them that I got a deep claw imbedded into my leg was forbidden. I took heed of his warning and just came up with an excuse, hoping they'd believe.

"I was lucky enough to escape untouched, yes." I placed my hands on my temples rubbing them because a sudden pain came over me.

"Ok let's stop with the questions for now." Mr. Satoru retorted then chased everyone back to their seats. I was getting stressed out. How did he know I was attacked? How had word spread so fast? Was this the doing of my mom? No one else was there to witness so it was strange seeing how Gojo knew. Could it have been the boy right next to me? The one who saved me?

All sorts of unimaginable thoughts ran through my mind. Once the class had fully settled down I averted my gaze back at him. Why did he stop me from telling them? Was there something he knew that I didn't?

"Pssstt." I called out to him quietly enough so that he could hear but he didn't budge. He didn't look at me. He just sat there once again with this dull, lifeless look on his face. Why did he save me? How did he know I was in trouble? What is up with this dude-

"Hey! Can't you hear me calling for you?!" I was starting to get pissed because I knew he could hear me but he just didn't want to interact with me. I tried being quiet as possible but the damn kid wouldn't listen.

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now