Chapter 39

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I felt the feeling of warmth enveloping my body and could hear soft snores coming from next to me. My eyes slowly fluttered open but soon came a strong pain attacking my head.

I groaned but not loud enough to wake the sleeping devil who was beside me. I slithered my way out of his comforting grasp to go get some water and probably painkillers for the sudden headache. When I arose to a sitting position on the bed I realized I was completely naked.

Oh my god- I really did that with Toge. Holy smokes it wasn't a weird dream!

I could feel my face heating up as visions of what happened last night flooded my mind. I really did it...with him-

I quietly and carefully got off the bed and picked up one of his t-shirts to wear because it was oddly comfortable. I tried making least noise as possible and everything was going to plan but I accidentally tripped on something and fell on the carpeted floor.

"Shit...I hope I didn't wake him" I mumbled to myself as I fumbled to get up. My legs were kind of paining due to what took place last night so it was hard to walk properly. Instead of getting up right away I just laid there and didn't move. I heard shuffling from the bed near me but didn't hear Toge being awake.

I just laid there, my chin was resting on the floor and I was contemplating what would happen in the close future. I'm just spending a month so when the time's up I'll have to go back to my normal life but what if I don't go back? What if I stay? Would I allow myself to stay?

"Nice ass" I heard his familiar voice say, breaking me from deep thought. He was peering over the edge of the bed looking at me like a kid. You wouldn't even believe he was the same person as before. He was like a devil disguised as an angel.

"Good morning to you too" I said with a tiny smile. I couldn't look at him for long because I would get embarrassed. How am I supposed to act normal after getting railed by him?! How do I even talk to him?!

"What are you doing on the floor?" His voice sounded so innocent and cute.

"Oh uhh...I fell" it wasn't a lie. I did fall but mainly out of pain.

I got up and brushed myself off but my eyes then fell upon him as I was captivated by his beauty. When he got up the blanket that was draped over his chest slowly slid off, falling onto his lap and exposing his upper torso. No matter how many times I see him I can't help but squeal due to his gorgeous genes. I quickly turned away when I realized I was staring at him and dashed out the room.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and popped a painkiller in my mouth. I stood hovering over the sink for a while because I felt upset because of drinking the pill but it soon went away.

"You don't seem okay. Is something the matter, darling?" I felt his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling our bodies together. His chin was gently resting on my shoulder and he looked at me with a pout.

"Yeah I'm fine I just have a headache." Without any warning he lightly pecked a kiss on my cheek.

"Don't worry my kisses are laced with magical healing powers. I'll heal you, my love" he beamed a cute little smile at me then began rewarding me with tiny kisses on my cheek and forehead. It honestly felt calming and so magically did take away the pain.

I could only flash a smile at him due of how flustered I was. I still haven't gotten used to him like this so it always took me by surprise.

"You just sit back and let me do all the cooking, okay?" He sat me down on one of the kitchen island chairs. I nodded in response and watched as he prepared to cook.

He has good hair, a tasteful fashion sense, can cook lovely meals, is very pretty and brings heaven to you. Isn't that what you call perfection? What more can you ask for?

(Who said guys can't be called pretty too? It's still a compliment so why get triggered by it?)

I just sat there, admiring how attractive he looked while cooking. He was a whole snack himself—


"Done" he excitedly said as he brought the plates over to the dining table. Miso soup with a bit of rice and some grilled fish, not too bad.

"It looks and smells great" I complimented as I took in its aroma. "You're surprisingly good at this" I added.

"Would you like for me to always cook for you, dear?" He stopped and was looking at me as if he wanted a genuine answer.

I really did...I wanted to stay. So what if I changed my mind so fast? I'm all alone if I go back and he just makes me feel lively and happy. I don't want to leave him again...I got a second chance, a wonderful opportunity, so I shouldn't mess this up again.

Y/n you better not do something stupid this time.

"What are we? What grounds do we stand on?" Those questions were the only thing that plagued my mind. I needed to know so that I could stop myself from thinking that thing between us is more than just friendship or friends with benefits.

"Well I guess I should say what's been on my mind then." He cleared his throat and grabbed both of my hands with his. He looked deep into my eyes with a shy smile on his face.

"Will you officially be my girlfriend? I know you're only staying for one month but--" I didn't give him a chance to finish. I got up from my seat and pulled him into a tight hug. Maybe this is exactly what I need...

"So I'll take that as a yes..?" He said hesitantly while hugging me back. I broke the moment and looked at his teary eyes and his lightly flushed cheeks. He really means it..

"Do you love me the same way I love you?"

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