Chapter 25

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"Y/n....I-" he started off confidently but then he suddenly halted. I was left with a long pause of curiosity and silence that ate away my mind. He cuffed his hands together then let out a heavy sigh. The seals on his cheek brightly appeared but then it faded into his skin once more.

"Nevermind" he said plainly, his face was now emotionless. I shrugged it off thinking it was probably nothing really seeing how he hardly made a big deal over it. He did seem caught up in his own world for a time being, spacing out and sometimes I'd catch him glancing over at me. I wasn't sure what to think of him nor could I really read his expressions anymore. What happened earlier, what I did, that did indeed throw him off because even I wasn't expecting myself to do that. He was probably caught off guard by the crazy things I did which explained why he seemed flustered earlier but what was it that he wanted to tell me?

I guess I'll never know.

We both bid each other goodnight before going to our respective places to sleep. I kept twisting and turning while on the sofa as vivid images of my father choking me came rushing back. I was hit with a flash of all the bad things that happened to me but something unusual crossed my mind.

I saw a tall slender figure standing in the shadows, hovering over the dead body of what looked like my father. Black hair? I could make out a man wearing a suit and he had neatly combed black hair. He looked very familiar but I couldn't quite get a grip of who he reminded me of. He turned around, as if he could tell I was somehow there, looking at him. He kept staring where I was then a small grin appeared on his face.

"I need what's mine and you have it." He said in a very distinct voice. It sounded all too familiar, pictures of the four armed demon popped into my mind. That's how the demon looks? Why does he look like some sort of businessman but with some type of marking on his face...?

I came out of the shadows to be met with a cold, piercing stare of the familiar faced man. His entire face and body was now in proper view.

"YOU?! MR--" I was unable to finish my sentence because I felt a sudden pain in my head which awoke me. My eyes shot open and my breathing was hitched. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I exhaled sharply out of fear. I placed my hand over my heart as I tried to calm down the pace it was beating at. I looked around me only to see that I was now on the floor and not on the couch. Did I fall off? I hope none of this woke Toge-

I recollected my thoughts as I remembered the appalling nightmare.

Mr Kanbae? Daisuke kanbae? Mom's boss? He- he looked exactly like him...but he has normal arms-

What the fuxk is going on?! But his name starts with Ryomen.... His name, it's familiar.

Ryomen Sukuna

The demon that started this all, it's him? He's here? But how? And he's my mom's boss? The hell- can he use other people's bodies?!! Overpowered much.

What does he want that I have? What could I possibly have that's important to a demon like him...

I snapped out of the cloudy thoughts that filled my mind and helped myself up from the floor. I couldn't put myself to sleep so I ended up going to the kitchen for water. As I walked by, I saw Toge peacefully sleeping on the bed. His clear, pale skin glowed as the dim moonlight gently hit his face. His hair was messy and was all over his face. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful features that were all so define and unique. Why is he making me feel this way? I wonder if he ever feels the same way I do...

Wait, y/n you're staring. I pinched my cheeks to bring me back to reality. I briskly made my way to the kitchen without making any noise as I chugged the glass of water. I had my phone with me and finally got time to check it. I have 437 messages and 18 missed calls?!! Holy shit-

Most of the messages were from the group chat but I had 2 private messages from others; Yuji and my mom.



I- I can't hang out today anymore. I'm really sorry. It's just that something important came up...

-Missed voice call-
-Missed voice call-
-Answered voice call-


Y/n where are you?? It's already 12 in the night and your ass isn't at home.

Is Toge with you? If Toge's with you I'll feel less worried...
I hope you're safe and I so hope you're not dead and decomposed in a ditch somewhere. Ó╭╮Ò

-16 missed voice calls-

I quickly responded to their texts and assured my mom that I was fine. I explained what happened to us and she totally understood and agreed to pick us up in the morning. She was indeed out of town and only came home some time before she sent the message. Whilst I was thinking about how worried my mom was I remembered Toge. He wasn't worried at all about what his parents would think nor did it look like he cared. Does he not have parents? Is that why my mom doesn't want me to bring up his parents when I'm around him? Does she even know anything about him or his family?

"Y/n??" I choked as I heard the soft voice call out to me.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" I quietly asked as I observed his sleepy face.

"No not really.... I just had this feeling that someone was talking about me. I don't know it sounds weird-"

"At this point I wouldn't call that weird." After all I went through, I'd know better than to think that's weird but I was indeed thinking about him.....what type of telephaticall stuff is going on here??

"You're up early" he spoke in a husky tone.

"I— I had a bad dream that's all" I quietly muttered. I didn't want him to worry about me since he literally just woke up.

"My mom says she's gonna pick us up at 9."  -y/n

Being alone with him just reminded me of last night and I couldn't manage to look at him properly. I couldn't even make eye contact with him without feeling flustered or embarrassed but I couldn't even tell if he felt the same.

He came into the kitchen to also grab a glass of water but did so in silence. I watched his every move as I leaned on the opposite side of counter. His back was facing me and his broad shoulders pressed against his shirt. His adam's apple moved as he drank the water. Damn.

After he placed the glass in the sink he inched closer to me. His eyes were staring directly at mine in an alluring manner. The ends of his lips formed into a visible smirk and his eyes glimmered with lust.

He tilted my head up to his level with his hand while his thumb traced my bottom lip. I gulped as I watched the fire in his eyes grow and the seals on his cheek appeared vibrantly. He leaned closer to me, his lips inches away from mine, the smirk still on his face. I stood still as I was hypnotized by his tempting gaze. As he leaned closer I closed my eyes, unaware of his bewitching actions.

"Don't think I forgot about last night" he whispered in a rather tantalizing tone. He moved the strands of hair from my face to behind my ear. I could feel his breath brushing across my cheeks as his face came closer to mine.

"I can make you do anything I say with just words...don't tempt me y/n." 

I fell short of words at his provocative behavior. Is this the real Toge? What'll happen if I take things further?

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