Chapter 27

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What book is he possibly talking about that could be so important to a powerful demon like him?

"Toge, please come help me bring the dessert" my mom said as she got up from her chair. Toge looked at me first then slowly got up and left with her in the direction of the kitchen. As soon as they were gone Daisuke teleported behind me, his hands were on my neck, tightly gripping it as he spoke.

"If you don't bring my book to me before the next full moon I won't hesitate to show your mom what hell looks like" he said smugly as though he was enjoying my pain. Where are my powers? Why can't I activate them whenever I want?!

"What stupid book are you talking about?!" I questioned in utmost annoyance. His nails dug into my flesh by my neck as he grew impatient by the second. When he heard sounds coming from the kitchen he quickly teleported back to his seat opposite me and acted like nothing ever happened. My mom and Toge came with plates filled with cake. When she looked over at him he flashed a smile at her, so innocently that you would never believe he was a messed up demon. I looked at him in disgust as I watched him fake his reactions he gave my mom. Poor her, she doesn't know anything and just telling her would probably break her even more....

Book....what book is he talking about? It can't be something ordinary—I came to the realization that it was the book Toge found in the library in the abandoned asylum. It had weird writings on it and had a skull on the leather cover of the book. The language written inside was unreadable at first but what if it was demon language? Maybe I could see what's inside...and understand why he's making a big deal out of it. The next full moon is in 4 days so I must find it before that time in order to be able to decode it but where the hell is it?? How am I going to find this?

After dinner was over, my mom offered to drive Daisuke back to his office and ended up leaving me and Toge alone once again. Before Daisuke exited the house he shot a death glare at me, warning me that if I didn't do what he asked he'd probably actually go through with it and hurt my mom. I sighed in disbelief and relief when the car left the driveway. He tricked us into thinking he was a normal human by hiding his powers and got close to us by getting close with my mom....just for a goddamn book.

I watched as Toge settled himself on the couch, his face was tensed but now seemed relaxed. He too knew something was going on with Mr. Kanbae but didn't know he was the demon Sukuna just yet. His knowledge was limited to what little information I shared with him. I stood a little distance away from him as I watched his behavior. He watched me, his eyes traced my body from head to toe, a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Sit" his hypnotizing voice demanded in an alluring manner. My body moved on its own, making its way towards him. I didn't try fighting the urges because I knew it was no use. He was using his powers this time but powers or not, I would have obeyed what he said either way. I just felt a strong attraction for him, something I couldn't explain.

Am I doing this just to free my mind of Sukuna's warning? Am I using him just to please myself?

I walked towards him and took a seat on his lap. Damnit I'm already under his intoxicating spell. He pulled me in closer to him while holding my hips, his hands on both sides of me.

"Now would be perfect to continue where we left off" he whispered into my ear. His entire personality changes when he gets aroused and it's like he goes from a quiet angel to a sexual demon—

I couldn't manage to say anything, I just watched as he found pleasure in me doing what he asked. I watched his his hands move from beside me to my cheek, a single finger was placed on it, like it was the first time he felt the skin contact of another human. He leaned in closer, his breath brushed against my neck and collarbone as he left trails of soft kisses everywhere. I held back the urge to moan when he began sucking on my collarbone. I could feel his lips forming into a smirk at it was pressed against my skin.

"Mmphmm" I accidentally gave in and the moan rolled off my tongue, this just aroused him more, bringing out his aggressive side. He moved me from his lap and placed me on the couch, I was now lying down and he was hovering over me. His seals were darker and more visible than before, complementing the fact that it goes with his emotions.

"You're already enjoying yourself but I'm just getting started" his raspy voice teasingly hissed at me. It's like he was toying with me by taking things very slowly but with much aggression and possessiveness.

"Strip--" his voice echoed in my head but this time it didn't work. I was still in control of my body and decided to tease him a bit.

I unbuttoned the first two buttons of my shirt then stopped. I looked up at him, my lips curved into a grin. His face was red but his eyes still lingered on my exposed chest.

"You do know it's rude to stare, right" I said playfully as I watched him get flustered. Bingo! He's now wrapped around my fingers..

My hands went from my shirt to his. "Now it wouldn't be fair if only I did a strip" I pouted. His hands were now over mine, holding it while I held his shirt. With much force, he pulled apart the shirt, making the buttons scatter everywhere. His bare chest was now exposed.

He leaned closer to my face, his soft lips tenderly brushed against my cheek. I couldn't take the wait anymore and abruptly pulled him into a needy kiss. His tongue entered my mouth, exploring every inch of it. My hands naturally snaked around Toge's neck while I continued to kiss him, our lips only parted when we needed air.

"You're rather needy tonight", the sound of his voice sent butterflies in my stomach. He watched as my fingers traced his chest, going down closer to his belt buckle. A dirty smirk appeared on both of our faces—

Someone was knocking at the door but it wasn't my mom because we didn't hear her car pull-up in the driveway. "Fu€k" I heard Toge mutter under his breath in annoyance.

"Toge Inumaki, what in god's name are you doing!?"

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