Chapter 15

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I was now back into the cloud of darkness but with more energy than before. I carefully stood up but lost balance and fell but not to the floor, but instead into someone's arms. I felt 2 normal arms gripping me, keeping me from falling and I felt another 2 tracing across my stomach. One held my face tilting it upwards and I saw radiant red eyes staring at me from the dark. The other 3 hands were all over my body, touching my skin as it's sharp nails slid across my flesh.

I tried to break free but being gripped by 4 hands wasn't something easy to do. He let out a malicious laugh then started to trace his hand along my neck, reaching down to my chest. I started to frantically throw my hands hoping for his grip to release but it just got tighter.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled as he was now getting closer to my chest.

He turned me around to face him but I had closed my eyes not wanting to look at him. He grabbed my face by my jaw and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his breath brushing across my skin which smelt like vanilla. I felt his fingers trace my lips then down to my neck. He tightly wrapped his fingers around my neck, his grip was getting tighter and tighter as I felt the little oxygen that was left in me escaping.

I opened my eyes and it all vanished. His weight on my neck was no more nor was I in a cloud of darkness. I was staring down at the ground that was 30 feet away from me. I choked as I took a deep breath realizing I was on the edge of a building almost about to jump. I felt my stomach clenching and felt a weight around it. I looked down and saw someone's arm wrapped around it, pulling me inwards. I released the strength in my body and allowed the person to pull me down back to the ground. When I turned around to face them I saw Toge with beads of sweat dripping from his forehead and he looked at me startled and worried.

He just looked at me, his eyes turned gentle, then unpredictably pulled me into a hug. I stood still in shock as I felt his warm body close to mine. Everything was happening so fast that my brain didn't let me express any emotion. He let go of me after a long minute of us just quietly standing there.

"Please tell me that had something to do with your dream...please...", he quietly said as he looked at me. Tears brimmed in his eyes without falling.

I slowly nodded my head and removed my gaze from his. Did I make him worry that much? I've never seen him like this....

"I'm so sorry..." I said in dismay. It was all too overwhelming and confusing even for me. I was switching from dream to reality too many times to the point where I couldn't even tell what was real. I began to solemnly cry when I remembered what that thing did to me.

Toge led me to some broken chairs on the rooftop for us to sit on and we just sat there as I let out everything. I had been keeping it in too long which didn't help in my case at all. I silently cried and Toge was there to comfort me as he patted me on the back. After letting my emotions out I finally calmed down enough to speak. I told Toge about all of the dreams even the one about Tohru and Haruki and he was indeed surprised to hear his bloodline's name being mentioned. I even told him about the looking thing and it was all intriguing yet frightening to hear. He listened attentively and took in all the information in silence. I saw a look of regret on his face.

"This happened because of me...if only I had been faster. You wouldn't have gotten hurt by the demon..nor would these nightmares happen." He spoke with much regret as he buried his face in his hands.

"Don't say that. None of us knew the demon would be there nor did I even expect to be saved. You still saved me when we were at the playground so don't blame yourself. I was the dumb one to go and inspect it." We were both getting sentimental without realizing it.

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