Chapter 4

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Classes were over for the entire day because Mr. Satoru had to go to some important meeting. During the short period of free time Nobara came up to talk to me. She was very fierce and her personality was cool. It was true, something about all of them seemed off. Maybe they were indeed 'special'. We spoke for a while, talking about me moving schools and how I was fitting in so far. It was just my first day but I felt comfortable around them even though there was something wrong with them at the same time.

Time skip: after school~

I took my time walking back home. It was still early so I decided to take another route just to explore the place a little more. The neighborhood looked like a quiet one where nothing bad happened so I wasn't filled with fright by taking another direction.

I was passing by an old playground when my eye happened to catch a glimpse of a swing moving on its own. There was no one around and there wasn't any strong wind blowing so the swing couldn't have just moved like that. I quietly walked closer to it, leaves could be heard crushing beneath my feet. I stretched out my foot and gave the swing a kick, making it move more. I quickly stepped back, keeping my distance just in case.

Wait what am I afraid of?? Monsters? Ghosts? Pffttt nothing like that exists.

I turned my back walking out the playground when I felt a gush of wind from nowhere blowing up the leaves leaving the figure of what looked like a person standing there. When he came into full view I could see rows of sharp teeth and claws emerging from his fingertips. He stood there with glaring red eyes that pierced into my soul. I fumbled, backing away cautiously. There was no one around to help me, no witnesses. I increased my pace more, backing away faster while keeping eye contact with it.

What the hell is that thing?! If only I had a weapon-

I was scared when I saw it lifting it's foot to start moving. I did a full 180º turn and started to run when I saw it getting closer to me. It's mouth was watering and the atmosphere around him became dark. I could sense death flowing through it. I quickened my pace as I was getting closer to the exit of the playground but froze when I felt it's claws grip my foot. I was slammed to the ground, hitting my chin on the hard floor. I groaned in pain as I felt my whole body being dragged across the leafy ground. I tried kicking it with my feet but it was no use. It's claws had dug into my leg, giving it a steady grasp of my leg.

"HELP! SOMEBODY?! PLEASE HELP ME!" I yelled out in agony but there was no hope of being rescued. I closed my eyes tightly to eliminate the horrible scene of watching him drag me from my mind. When I peeped he had his clawed hand raised like if he was about to scrape me. I closed my eyes once again preparing for impact but then I heard a sudden yell from behind me.

"DON'T MOVE!" I flinched at the sound of the person's voice as it pierced my eardrums. I was stunned at the sight in front of me. The horrid creature couldn't move a muscle and stood there dumbfounded. I struggled to release his grip from my leg and then fumbled to get up. When I turned around to finally see who saved me, I was shocked upon meeting their gaze.

It was the same dude from last time. The same kid who was in the picture, the same kid who passed by me at school before he vanished. The same kid who sat in my seat in the classroom.

It was him. No doubt about it.

I was about to speak when I felt a sharp pain in my leg, right where his claws had dug in. I grabbed my foot in pain while blood started to trickle down my leg. My vision was getting blurry as I started to lose blood. I felt the mysterious dude's arm gently gripping my shoulders, helping me to get up. I steadied my balance by leaning on him trying to help ease the pain in my leg.

"I...I need to get h-home." I was stuttering as my body began to weaken. I felt my legs slowly moving on its own powered by my adrenaline. The bleeding was too much that it made me pass out.


I felt a pounding sensation in my head as I strained my eyes open. My eyes quickly adjusted to the light around me, giving me a clear view of my surroundings. I' my living room- on my
I looked down at my now bandaged leg. It was still paining a little but thankfully the bleeding had stopped. I sighed in relief, resting my head down, facing the ceiling. I saw my mom coming over next to me with a worried expression on her face.

"Mom...." -Y/n

"Sweetie are you alright?? How are you feeling? Is it still hurting?" -mom

"I'm fine mom...I was just shaken and weak." -Y/n

"Did you see him? How did I get home?" -y/n

"Who? When I came back from work I saw you on the porch, just lying there. You looked like you were dead and I started to slightly panic." -Mom

Was this another hallucination? It can't felt too real. That thing...looked too real! He looked too real also! Why is he randomly showing up everywhere I go...?

"Oh..." -Y/n

That's it. There's something she isn't telling me. There's something she knows that I don't. Why does she seem so calm?

"Mom, i think it's time you tell me everything you know. There's something about that school and something about me that's different. I can sense weird things! I don't get it. A freaking monster demon looking thing attacked me! I know for a fact I'm not hallucinating so spill." Y/n

"I guess it's time I finally tell you....about our family and the true colours of the world." -mom

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