Chapter 24

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The entire week went by so quickly and the day of going out with Yuji arrived.

Me: Hey Yuji! Are we still meeting up at the same place?

Yuji: Oh yeah....same place-

Me: okay then, see you there!


I had to pick up something from my room so I quickly left my phone on the table as I went upstairs. I grabbed a pack of breath mint just in case...then headed out after waving my mom goodbye. Before I left, Toge wasn't anywhere in sight so I didn't get to express my excitement to him.

I quickly made my way to where I had to meet Yuji, which was only about 20 minutes away. I had to take the train because we were meeting up at a cafe outside our city.

When I got there, it was very early because I didn't see Yuji anywhere. I sat in the corner of the cafe as I await for his presence. I played with the flowers on the table and looked around the cute cafe to pass time but as the minutes went by he still hadn't arrived.

I was about to go into my backpack for my phone when I heard someone call my name.

"Y/n? Ahh thank god I found you."

My head shot up, hoping to see Yuji but it wasn't him.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked in confusion as Toge came closer to the table I was sitting at. He pulled out something from his pocket then handed it to me. It was my phone....but how? Didn't I pick it up back from the table?

"You didn't had to come all the way here just to bring my phone...." -y/n

"I didn't just come to give you your phone, Yuji called also." He said as he looked at his feet. He was evading eye contact and nervously rubbed the back of his head.

"What's wrong?" -y/n

"He uh...said he couldn't bother make it. He cancelled." -Toge

"Oh" I was a bit sad but he probably cancelled because of important reasons. I wouldn't have had to wait this long if I had my phone with me. I stood up and made my way to the door in disappointment.

"Come on, let's go." I called out to Toge who was just standing there behind me. He seemed down also....

"What? You not coming?" I held onto the door handle as I waited for him to face me. His eyes were glued to the floor as he made his way outside the cafe with me.

"I'm sorry you had to come all this way just for that. I was so stupid to leave my phone. Why was I even genuinely excited to meet him...??" I silently muttered the last sentence under my breath out of disappointment.

"You don't have to apologise, it's fine." He patted my head gently then pulled me closer to him as we walked among the crowds of people.

We were already on a train, seated next to each other in silence as we waited for the train to reach our stop. Toge's head kept brushing against my shoulder as I watched him doze off uncomfortably in his sleep. I was also getting tired for some reason and just happened to fall asleep too.


"Y/n? Wake up, we have to go.." I heard someone spoke in a low tone. My eyes shot open then a sudden pain surged through my neck. I adjusted from my sleepy trance and realized my head was on Toge's shoulder. I quickly got up and grabbed onto the bar for balance, my gaze never met Toge's.

Since when was I this flustered by him? It's just a simple why is my face heating up?

We both made our way out of the train and onto the platform that lead to the check out point. When my eyes fully adjusted to the light and my surroundings I realized that I had no idea where we were. The place around us certainly didn't seem like Osaka city nor did it seem like some place familiar.

"T-Toge? Where...are we?" He looked back at me with the same confused face I had. We both were dumbfounded and didn't know where the train had stopped.

"Uhhh....I-", was all Toge managed to mutter. Maybe sleeping on the train wasn't a good idea at all. We completely missed our stop.

"How do we get back?" He asked in a low tone which was slightly enhanced with fear but it was understandable since we were unaware of our environment.

"I should call my mom and let her pick us up.." I sighed in relief thinking she'd be able to pick us up.

"About that...before I left, she told me she had to go out of town with her "boss" and wouldn't be back until who knows when." He voiced in concern as he knew it was just a total buzzkill.

"It's already getting late- we should find a cheap hotel or something to stay at then." I replied trying not to seem discouraged or hopeless.

"Sure..." He simply answered. He grabbed my hand and interlocked it with his, pulling me closer to him.

I raised my brows in confusion and motioned at our hands.

"It's better we stick together" -Toge


After hours of hopelessly searching we finally found a decent hotel where they allowed us to stay just for the night. When we walked in to get a room everyone looked at us weirdly. It was probably because we looked too young to be going there for a room together. We hadn't enough money for two separate rooms so we ended up having to share one.

"I'll take the couch, you can take the bed." I said to clear up misconceptions between us. I definitely didn't want any of those cliche, cringy stuff that happen in dramas to befall upon us so I quickly made that statement.

I went to take a bath, though I had no clean clothes the ones I currently had was still somewhat clean so I ended up deciding on wearing it back. After I finished showering I took my clothes that was hooked up by the door to wear but happened to notice something was missing.

Where the heck is my shirt? I- I'm sure I had it with me...where did it go?!

Please don't tell me it's somewhere outside- fuxk now I have to go and look for it!

I peeped outside the bathroom door, I had my shorts and everything else on, it was just the upper half of my body that was exposed, mainly the areas where my bra couldn't cover. I quickly scanned the room for Toge's presence but saw an empty room instead. Maybe he was on the balcony? It's just good that he isn't here so I should just go and look for it.
I hesitantly walked out of the room into the main room to look for the black shirt that I wore. I saw it on the ground next to the sofa and bent down to pick it up but when I raised up I froze for a second when I saw Toge standing by the hall looking at me. I tried my best to maintain my composure while I looked over at him so I just acted like I totally wasn't technically half naked.

"You need something?" I confidently asked as I gripped the shirt in my hands. I saw his eyes fall from my body to the floor. A slight smirk formed on my face as I watched his actions.

"N-no.." he happened to stutter as he adverted his gaze from mine. My body unconsciously inched closer to him out of curiosity of seeing how he'd react. I was playfully teasing him but a part of me wanted to tilt his head up to my level so I could see how flustered he looked. I felt drawn to him as I looked at how red he was but the little innocence I had in me stopped me from doing anything embarrassing or stupid. I traced my finger on his jawline and watched as he fell trap to my actions.

Y/n what are you doing?? Since when did I feel this inclined to stirring up Toge's feelings? He probably thinks nothing of it—

"You look tired." I said as my voice broke the silence. I slowly backed away to brush the shirt off then quickly slipped the shirt on my body. I was now completely dressed and ready for bed. Worrying about what would happen to us tomorrow was tomorrow me's problem.

He cleared his throat to acquire my attention.


|| A/N ||
Y'all sorry for the slow update...I'll try my best to post normally again. I'm just getting caught up with school work and I can't just put it off so -_-

Yeah. Well I hope it's enjoyable...thank you for all of the support♥️

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