Chapter 7

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It was a long day at school. I didn't speak to Toge ever since he silenced me. He didn't seem to care either way. I never once looked over at him nor did I let my mind linger with thoughts of him. I wanted to ease my stress for a while so after classes were over for the day I went to the old, broken fountain which somehow still produced clean water. There were tiny fishes swimming in the water along with chimes coming from birds that filled the air. I took a seat on the concrete bench that barely held up next to the fountain, peacefully listening to the sound of the flowing water. This side of the school was peaceful and it was close to a tiny forest that stood near. Not many would come here since it looked rundown and old. The bench was long enough for my body so I laid down, facing up to the sky. I closed my eyes, listening to everything around me.

It was all so calming........until I heard the cracks of twigs and shuffle of bricks as if someone was walking close by. The light that shone across my face was now being blocked. My eyes fluttered open only to be met with pure violet eyes staring down at me. His head was slightly tilted as if he was looking at a painting, examining its appearance. I wanted nothing to do with him yet I wanted to know everything he knew. I squinted my eyes, adjusting to the light that overcrowded my vision.

I got up and scooted over to the end of the bench, making space for him if he wanted to sit. He slowly took a seat while observing the fountain. I ran my gaze all over the beautiful scenery trying to not stare at him as he proceeded with his weird actions. I was also waiting for him to speak first. There was a long silence between us but it wasn't awkward at all. Maybe silence was what we needed before fully engaging in a conversation or maybe both of us weren't ready to start one yet.

I hesitantly checked my watch and realized this had being going on for 15 minutes now and it was starting to get late. Neither of us spoke so I had taken this as a sign that he wasn't ready. I shrugged, then slowly got up, placing my backpack on my shoulders. I viewed the fountain one last time before turning my back to walk off.

"Wait." I heard him slightly shout, then my muscles tensed up, leaving me frozen in place, unable to move on my own. Why can't I move? My body won't listen! What's happening? Is this his power? Though I was unable to move I knew he'd never hurt me so the thought of being harmed never crossed my mind. I couldn't turn my head to face him and was stuck in one place. My eyes watched as he made his was in front of me.

The word 'sorry' escaped from his lips as he looked down and apologized in frustration. He began, "I didn't mean to...I can't control it yet so please forgive me."

My guess was right. It was his powers. It's very....unique.

After a hot second I was able to move my fingers and toes, then my limbs. The paralysis abruptly stopped allowing me to finally take control of my body. I transferred my gaze from the ground to his face, looking directly at him without breaking eye contact. I ran my fingers through my hair, moving it away from my face.

"What were you going to tell me before?" I asked in a slightly hushed tone. I was tired and wanted to just sleep as fast as I could.

"Oh- I just wanted to tell you to be careful, cuz the thing is still out there.." I watched as his eyes randomly trace the ground while he was speaking.

I gave him a slight pat on the back with a tiny smile, then walked away. I didn't want to come off as rude but I was a bit annoyed with his behavior this morning. One thing that did trouble me was the fact that he wasn't afraid and reacted quickly when he encountered the demon. He was able to use his power and stop the demon's movement just by words.

Simple yet powerful words.
What exactly does Toge know? And how much did he know?

I was on my way home, walking at a quick pace because of the thought of meeting with the demon once more. I just looked down, my feet tramping on the ground as it moved quickly. Everything was going as it normally would until my ears picked up the sound of chains swinging in the distance. I could hear creaking noises coming from in front of me. My eyes widened when I realized I somehow ended up at the playground.

The same playground where I met that horrible demon.
The same playground where I got that painful injury.

What am I doing here?
Had my feet betrayed me and unconsciously led me here?

I looked around the abandoned land where a pair of swings, monkey bars, seesaws and a sandbox rested. The swings and monkey bars were rusted and there was hardly any paint left on the chipped surface of the metal. The sandbox was basically a mud box seeing how the sand was washed away, leaving mud behind. The place gave off an eerie feeling whenever you passed by. The swing started to move on its own like it did before and my thought-to-be healed leg began paining. A thumping feeling fished through my flesh. I didn't take any chances and backed away from the playground. Whatever shivering feeling I felt while I was inside stopped when I was outside of the marked land where the fence stood.

Why did I feel like I was being watched? Was this where the demon resided? Why is my sealed up injury drawn to it?

Instead of being crazy, just standing there where I was completely vulnerable, I quickly turned around in the direction that led to my house and began running. I didn't want to be reminded of the disturbing images again so I just thought about my mom's cooking and sleep. The 2 things I loved the most.

Food and rest.
I'll be okay.

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