Chapter 28

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Both of our heads shot towards the direction of the door where a woman who I was unfamiliar with stood, a stern look was on her face. She was old, had white hair just like Toge and seemed familiar with him seeing how she called him by his full name.

She glared at us, then her eyes fell upon Toge's shirtless chest. Rage ignited in her eyes as she came closer to us.

"Damnit, I'm screwed" I heard him say in pure regret. I quickly pushed him off of me and buttoned my shirt up properly. I handed him his shirt which was now damaged because it was ripped. She looked at me in absolute disgust, her glares were more than enough to tell she hated me already.

I awkwardly stood still as Toge dressed himself up. "Who's that?" I leaned closer to him and whispered. I was guessing someone from his family? Maybe his mom...?

"That's my grandma and she's way different than she actually looks so don't be deceived." When he spoke, his voice was filled with a hint of fear. Is she a bad person towards him? Is that why he never talks about them? She seems odd.

She stomped over to where we were, barging into the house without permission. She grabbed Toge by the ear and pulled him towards her. She paused and gave me a repulsive look then raised her voice.

"I guess it was true, all females of the Hime clan are just mere whores." 

What the heck?! Where did that come from?!! Why is she even bringing in the Hime clan into this??!

"I'm sorry ma'am but I don't see why bringing up the Hime clan is necessary. Also, just judging me by this one encounter is very immature of you. Calling me a whore, what if your grandson was forcing me into doing something I was against? Hmmm? Am I still a whore then? You just only looked at me once and saw my actions where you have no right to judge but still went forward with saying some snide remark." I stood up for myself and voiced my mind. Her lame words won't penetrate my mind but it irritates me that she judges people ever so freely.

She looked at me with a ghastly look on her face. She sighed in defeat but never ceased to drop that sickening eyesore of a glare. When I looked at Toge he was in shock but I could tell he was amazed at my bravery. She didn't dare say a single word to counter my defense against her and accepted her own vanquish.  

"I see you haven't heard about it yet" She said bleakly. "You have the blood of the Hime's flowing through your veins" She added. The look on her face just made it seem as though their blood was wretched or they were questionable human beings.

"It's true..." another voice popped in from nowhere and agreed with her.

"Mom...? What's this about? How could I have their blood?" I asked with uncertainty. Was she the one who also had their blood?

"It's your dad.....He was the predecessor of the Hime's but his lineage's blood was weak because he was the offspring of Hime who's blood was mixed with normal blood. Long story short, he carries the blood, I married him, made you, and now you have the blood but for some reason your blood is much stronger than his." -Mom

My father was apart of the clan? I have his blood—

After Toge's grandma left with him my mom sat down with me but for some reason she looked...messy. Her hair was out of place, her skirt was ruffled up and she looked like she was sweating. Did he do something to her? Did he hurt her?

"I-I have to go take a shower so make sure the place is locked up." She said awkwardly. Is she trying to avoid something? Take a shower? This could only mean one thing....if he didn't physically hurt her...he—

Did I mom get railed by a 1000+ year old demon? She doesn't seem like she was disgusted—

Was this what he meant by giving her hell? No no I'm probably overthinking it...right. There's no way she had sex with him. No way at all.

I brushed the illusive thoughts out of my mind and got ready for bed. My mind couldn't stop thinking about Toge and how he looked back there. He was trapped and that woman looked so controlling. Is he gonna be okay?


"Hello?" My voice echoed in the darkness that surrounded me, water was splashing beneath my feet as I helplessly walked without a destination. Where the hell am I? Another stupid dream....

I heard noise coming from behind me and when I turned around I saw Toge's grandma and...Yuji? What are they doing here now? Before I could even catch my breath, Yuji spoke.

"You liar! You crazy liar! You liked me, not him! Did you forget about me?! I'm the one you like!" He began blabbering nonsense but some of it was true. I did like I still not? I couldn't tell anymore. I wasn't sure if I really did like him, or anyone at least. I honestly couldn't explain my feelings towards Toge, was it pleasure or something else?

His grandma turned and looked at me now, her face was as miserable as ever.

"Stay away from my Toge! You'll kill him! Just like Tohru almost killed Haruki. Stay away from him!! He belongs by my side where no harm can reach him! Don't ever touch him or else.... history will repeat itself and this time...this time Toge will die." Her voice was hoarse and whiny. Kill him? Just like Tohru....but she died protecting him-

I could never hurt Toge....

|| A/N ||
Short chapter, sorry about that- butt
Thanks so much for the support i honestly didn't think I'd make it this far

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