Chapter 19

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After my mom had showed Toge his temporary room, we all went down for dinner. It was a bit awkward at first but the mood seemed to lighten when my mom started talking about her past encounters with demons and how it was for her when she attended Kaisen Institute. Her past was quite interesting but didn't seem as dangerous as mine.

Crazy dreams, killing a demon on my own, crazy dude with 4 arms, almost killing myself....doesn't seem normal at all does it?

Dinner was over and we were all now in the living room, sitting on the couches. Toge seemed to have settled down quicker than normal which was actually good, at least it wasn't awkward for any of us.

"Well...dear Y/N! You got your powers!!'s unique--" she spoke with much excitement.

"No one has ever had that type in years. It's just amazing how you inherited it! And Toge....thanks for being by y/n's side", she continued. She gave both of us tight warm hugs but the wholesome mood was ruined by the ringing of her phone.

"Y/N why don't you and Toge go upstairs and do something together, hm?" She said as she was about to answer her phone. It was probably something important so staying there would probably bother her so we did what she said.

We were back in my room once again, Toge was sitting on the chair in my room while I sat on the bed. Why was staying alone kind of weird? He doesn't even remember what happened before he passed out so why am I even thinking about it-

"Wanna play truth or dare?" I asked out of boredom. He shook his head and came closer. I gestured for him to sit on the bed next to me as I got myself comfy also.

"Truth or dare?" He asked first.

"Hmmm truth.." I hesitantly said, knowing he'd probably ask me some dumb things.

"Do you like Yuji?"

I choked upon hearing the words coming out of his mouth. Out of all the things he could have asked he chose that one. I sighed as I mentally face palmed.

"Is it that obvious?" I turned my face away as it started to heat up. I saw Toge's lips forming into a half forced smile.

"Anyways, truth or dare?" -y/n

He took a long minute before deciding, his answer was truth also.

"Why did you hide your powers from our classmates?" -y/n

"I don't really have a specific reason but it was because Yuji and the others were all so excited about unlocking their powers...they train everyday yet I did nothing but had them since birth. I didn't want to make it seem like I was bragging or anything so I just stayed quiet." He struggled to talk properly.

"See, you do care about them but you just don't know how to show it." I said wholeheartedly with a smile.

"Ok my turn again, truth or dare?" -Toge

"Truth?" I nervously chuckled.

"What happened before I passed out earlier?" He asked with a slight raised brow.

"You mean at the asylum? Well—", I began stuttering as I remembered the fact that I thought he was going to kiss me. I bravely continued."Nothing! Nothing at all! You just passed out" I adverted my gaze from his as I tried to brush the crazy thoughts emerging in my mind.

Damnit, that was so unbelievable!

"My turn" -Y/n

"Dare" -Toge

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now