Chapter 36.

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This warning is brought to you by Yuji's innocence. Uk where this is going so if you don't like smut feel free to skip to save your innocence :)
I'd rate this a 2/5 for level of unholiness.

"It's been 3 years Y/n. How have you been? Hmm?" He breathed in my ear. Heck it's been so long I forgot how seductive he could sound...

"Y-you remember? Even after all this time.." I was flustered, surprisingly excited but scared at the same time.

"How could I possibly ever forget you? As much as I tried to, I couldn't." He looked directly into my eyes. He held a set of my hair in his hand and lifted it to his nose.

"You left me all alone there. Nobody was able to fill the gap that opened in me." His hands traced my jaw, tilting it up to his level.

Damnit why am I feeling this way? My fu¢king heart is gonna beat out of my chest!

"I'm really sorry" I blurted out. I wasn't thinking straight and all I could focus on was his lips.

"Aw I'm afraid that won't be enough." -Toge

"Did you miss me?" His thumb traced my lower lip. I simply nodded as a response to his question. My mind was telling me to stop this but my body craved otherwise.

"Good, cause now you'll regret leaving me."

His voice didn't sound innocent at all.

Shit's definitely about to happen—

"You'll be begging for more when I'm done with you. I won't even have to use my powers." He smirked. I felt his other hand on my thigh, inching closer to my center.

Shit! It just happened that I chose to wear a skirt today. Why am I even allowing him to do this to me? This is our first encounter after 3 damn years!

"Y-you can't do that here." Why am I stuttering?!

"Oh darling, don't worry I'll try to be gentle." He totally was ignoring the fact that we were in an abandoned school that had a demon somewhere in it.

Well there's a first time for everything.

I felt two of his fingers rubbing my clit in a teasing way. I felt myself heating up while his fingers basically fu€ked me. I bit my lip as I tried to hold back the sinful moan. While I was squirming about he, on the other hand was enjoying it.

"That facial expression you make just taunts me more. I like it." He said teasingly. Three fingers were now in and though it was a bit painful it felt nice. Oh god that's just wrong. How am I enjoying this while braced up against a wall?

I was on the brink of letting out the moan so I pulled him into a kiss. The moan rolled off my tongue but muffled inside his mouth. His fingers were still inside me while he continued the kiss aggressively. When he inserted them deeper my mouth betrayed me and moaned louder this time.

"Mmmmmpphp" I could feel his lips curving into a smirk when he heard me. "That's right. Moan it again" he whispered in my ear then playfully nipped at it.

His fingers were ravishing my insides while he enjoyed every bit of it.

"" his name rolled off my tongue. He was right. There was no need for him to use his powers. I'm already obeying whatever he's saying.

"Good girl" he praised me. His voice was just taunting me. It makes me weak, makes me get aroused. I can't believe there's a part in me that enjoys this-

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