Chapter 29

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Toge's Pov

Izumi dragged me home while yelling about how I should never deal with y/n again because she was 'dangerous' and could kill me. Dangerous? She saved my life...why would she wanna kill me? I huffed in annoyance but I knew I couldn't defy my grandmother. She was the head of the family and the most powerful out of us all. All these years she trained me, kept me by her side, like a dog on a leash. She didn't allow me to do anything in particular, not even go out to walk. When I turned 17, she finally allowed me to enroll in Kaisen Institute, where I'd learn more about demons and powers in general. Not being able to interact with people for all those years limited my social skills that's why I hardly talked to anyone in our class and no one seemed to care but when I first met y/n in the corridor at school I felt something deep in my gut that attracted me to her. I felt like I knew her, like she was a key to the locked door that held me back all these years. As weird as it seems, when I met her, she was indeed much different.

I felt that she'd be able to help me remember my parents, or something with my past. It's like I was drawn to her.

"You're staying home. I forbid you from going to that wretched school." Izumi said sternly. Why was she being so harsh about it? And what's with her saying y/n's from the ancient Hime clan? Seriously, there's way too many things happening without a reason. Taking away my ability to go to school? It's like I'm being trapped once again.

"Do you understand me?" She said harshly. Her voice was menacing and cold. I let out a frustrated sigh but nodded my head. Talking back would do me no good. She'd only punish me more, like she did all those years. Was keeping me by her side a way to stop me from meeting y/n? She knew something about y/n that even y/n didn't know. Was the story with Tohru and Haruki coming to past again? Why is any of this even happening?

I stormed off up to my room. School was the only place where I felt free and staying at y/n's place was also a form of freedom. I wasn't ordered around like I was at home.

As I laid in bed, my mind trailed off to thoughts of y/n once more. What is it about her that draws me closer? She is just as normal as any other person. That's kiss tho—

As I felt myself getting drowsy something inside me ignited. It was the same feeling I had those times before I'd get teleported to y/n's side. Oh sht is she in trouble?!

Before I could blink I was inside her room. She was sitting upright on her bed, her face was buried in her hands. She looked scared and trembled in fear.

"Y/n?" I hesitantly called out as I approached her. I gently touched her arm but she pushed it away.

"Is something wrong?" I stepped closer once more and rested my hand on her back.

"Stay away from me!" She hissed, tiny sobs also expelled through her voice. "Tell me what's wrong." I said in a more sharper but concerned tone but she wouldn't speak. She kept pushing me away from her while she continued to cry. "I won't stop asking if you don't tell me" I was seriously not going to stop. Whatever happened to her really affected her for her to act like this so it had to be important. "Just stay the heck away from me before I actually hurt you like she said!!" She snapped. Her voice was shaky.

I suddenly felt my entire body being forcefully pushed back against the wall. A sharp pain came over me when I hit my head. When I looked up, I saw y/n staring at me in disbelief. Her face was horrified as she looked at me. Those dark clouds were now around her; the same ones from the asylum. I winced as I held my aching head but this only made her retreat more due to her actions.

"No no no....she was right. I did hurt you! I can't—" she started rambling nonsense and the dark clouds around her were now swarming around her as a protective shell.

"I hurt you....she was fu€king right. Please leave before I do something else! I can't control this! Please leave!" She begged, tears rolled down her cheeks while she kept mumbling.

"I'm not fu€king leaving you!" I groaned but she wouldn't dare listen. Her mind convinced her that I would only get hurt and wouldn't listen to anything I said. Just then the door slammed open and her mom was there.

"What's happening?! I heard screaming." She questioned while she panted for breath.

"I don't know, she won't tell me" I sighed. Her mom's eye widened when she saw the clouds around her. She pulled me away from the bed.

"Wait wha—" I was confused. Her mom looked at y/n with fear filled eyes. "I think you should leave. I'll handle her." Her tone was lowered and her face was tensed. Y/n looked at me with no emotion on her face but I looked at her with visible worry but I couldn't do anything. She wouldn't listen to me so maybe her mom could try calming her down. I slowly backed out of the room, though I wanted to stay it would probably only make things harder for y/n.

When I backed out of the room completely I gave y/n one last glance but she only looked at me with fear. I was teleported back to my room where I was cut off from y/n completely.

What could have frightened her so much? Did my grandma do something?! Why does she think she can hurt me?

I completely ignored the fact that I hit my head but she seemed so devastated that she hurt me. It was by accident but she seemed so troubled by it. Not being able to go to school would mean not being able to meet y/n. That was the only way I'd get to see her since Izumi prohibited me from going back to her house.

I barely got any sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about y/n but I couldn't see her so I was hopeless.


"Toge, come to the dining hall at once." Her voice echoed through the hall and my body moved on its own. She rudely awoke me from the little sleep had. I quickly snapped out of my cloudy daze and back to reality. She had luggage next to her...

"I'm leaving for 2 weeks because something very important came up. I do not want you to attend school and you must stay in the Inumaki's compound at all times. Charmy will be supervising when I leave." She made intense eye contact with me to warm me but that wouldn't stop me.

Charmy? Out of all people Charmy? Is she testing me?

"Understood?" She asked. I just nodded and watched as she exited the compound. A feeling of relief washed over me because I knew I wasn't going to listen to her stupid rules.

When I turned around to go back to my room I was stopped by Charmy. She was very much shorter than me and looked like a kid but she was actually 19. She wasn't apart of the Inumaki's but somehow ended up here.

"Want some" She cheerfully asked. She was better and friendlier than Izumi so tricking her and getting out would be easy. I'm sure she wouldn't even care and would probably just eat to her stomach's content.

I accepted her offer so she wouldn't be suspicious of me to show her that I wasn't planning on doing anything bad.

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