Chapter 31

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Y/n's pov

"This isn't right--" I defended but he stopped me.

I felt has hands on my face, raising it up to look at him. He pulled me closer to him and now our bodies were touching each other. His warmth enveloped my skin as he pulled me into an embrace.

My head rested on his shoulder as he gently patted my back. I couldn't hold back more of my tears and watched them freely fall to the ground.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you care so much?!" I was still not quite okay with being so close to him. What if I hurt him again...

"I like you y/n! Dont you understand! I really like you."

"You wha--" I felt his soft lips on mine. His hands reached around my hips, pulling me closer to him. I broke it a little but he didn't wait for me to even say anything. He just continued it again.

My hands went around his neck and our lips continued to move in unison. I could feel the smirk on my skin as his lips moved from mine to my neck. Though it was just a simple kiss I could feel every emotion fused in it, which made it felt real.

He likes me....he actually likes me...

Does it not bother him that I hurt him?

"Toge...." I silently whispered, trying not to change the mood.

"Hmmm?" His husky voice answered. I looked at him sincerely in the eyes. "I'm so sorry...I'm sorry I pushed you away." He didn't want to hear it. He didn't care. He was happy that he finally got to talk to me, that I finally opened up back after all that.

"It's absolutely alright. I don't care about that. Whatever it is..I don't care. I forgive you so please let's just go back to normal." He pouted so adorably. He held both of my hands in his and pressed them against his warm cheeks. When I moved it slightly I saw his seals slowly appearing.

"Your seals...." I said teasingly because I knew he couldn't control it when his emotions were wild.

He turned away and hid his face in embarrassment.

How cute.

What exactly do I feel for him? Whatever it is, is it true? Is it sincere like his feelings?

Will I be able to treat him right?

Am I lovable enough?

My mind was now getting plagued with negative thoughts. I do like him..but do I like him enough like how he likes me?

"Toge...wait oh my god--" I was hit with the remembrance of the book. It's been 4 days!! Fu€k I didn't remember! Ah shit Sukuna's gonna do something bad to my mom!

"Uhhhh I have to go. I really have to go right now. It's urgent." I quickly spoke as I tried convincing him to loose my hands.

"Go where?" -toge

"Take me with you." He blurted out then looked down because his face was getting cherry red. It's dangerous...what if he gets hurt- what if I hurt him...

"You can't come it's too-" he covered my mouth with his hands. "I don't want to hear it. I'm coming with you." He still insisted and I couldn't convince him otherwise.

I couldn't do anything so I just allowed him to come. On my way home I told him everything that happened, everything he didn't know. I told him about Daisuke who was actually Sukuna, the book and the nightmare I had with his grandmother and Yuji. He looked furious when he heard me talking about her though, hatred was filled in his eyes. He really didn't like her but couldn't do anything about it.

"The book, do you know where it is? Did you take it with you when I was about to put it back on the self?" He questioned. All I could remember was keeping it with me. I didn't know where exactly I left it.

"Yeah I took it with me but I don't know where it is. It has to be somewhere in my room it just has to." -y/n

We must find the book or else Sukuna might do something bad...


Before I went up to my room I checked the house for my mom but then realized she was probably still at work because she was nowhere in sight.

Hopefully she was safe where Sukuna wouldn't get her...oh sht wait- SUKUNA IS HER BOSS! I'm sure she's fine...I just need to find the damn book.

The book.

When I entered my room Toge was already looking for it, checking every shelf, corner and desk for it. He was busy, his attention was somewhere else but I just stood by the frame of the door and observed him. His off-white hair bounced around by his face and his jaw was slightly clenched. His jawline was define and his fingers were..wait y/n snap out of it! You're staring...

I made my presence known when I stepped into the room. I checked my wardrobe, under my bed, in my drawers but it was nowhere in sight.

When I turned to Toge, he was still searching, his mind focused on our one goal but I kept spacing out.

I'm in a room with him..alone.

Oh sht we even kissed twice! But now he confessed! How is he so calm about this?!

"Y/n.... you've been staring at me for a while now." He was purposely calling me out. A small grin appeared on this edges of his lips.

He dropped the stack of books he had in his hand and was now slowly inching towards me. I took a few steps backwards, unconsciously approaching my bed. I fell back on it and he was now on top of me.

"W-we should continue searching.." I could feel my face heating up while I avoided looking at him but this only turnt him on more.

"If you keep behaving like this you mightn't be able to walk some time soon" he placed a small kiss on my cheek then got up back to look for the book.

A part of me really wanted him to continue but finding the book and keeping my mom out of danger was more important. What's even in the book that's so important to him?

The last place I was left to examine was my backpack.

"Found it" when I pulled it out from the pocket I could sense actual darkness coming from it, evil that was supposed to be left alone.

"Corruption", I heard his voice echo in my brain. He knows I have it.

"2 hours left until the full moon is over. I need my book y/n."

I didn't even get to process anything that happened because after he spoke I felt my vision getting cloudy, then blacking out.

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