Chapter 18

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I was walking through every corridor, looking for stairs leading down to the first flat or just some sort of exit so that we could leave this horrible building. My flash was on as I scanned the area for a sign of a door with natural sunlight emitting through but all I got was darkness and dead ends.

I checked my phone in case Toge had called without me knowing but instead saw a message from him.

Found the exit. Come quick. Same meeting point.

It was already 12:00pm, 8 minutes had past since he sent it which meant he was waiting for a while now, this caused my pace to quicken as I made my way to the meeting point. He was indeed standing there at the end of the corridor, his hands in his pockets and his body leaning on the wall. When I came into view he made his way closer to me as I got closer to him.

While I was walking my foot accidentally got caught up in one of the broken wooden planks on the floor, this made my entire body fall forward as it lost it's balance. Toge was inches away from me and tried saving me from falling but ended up crashing to the floor with me.

I felt warmth enveloping my body and Toge's breath brushing against my cheeks. When I opened my eyes I realized my face was only inches away from his. I raised my upper body from his and accidentally made eye contact with his vibrant violet eyes. He was staring right back at me and his face was tainted with a hint of red. I was left staring into his eyes of wonder but soon was brought back to reality when he cleared his throat.

"Uh sorry-" I managed to say as I fell short of words. Both of my hands were on each side of his head as I tried to get up. I struggled to push my entire body off of his and ended up falling back on him. My energy was finally draining away but at the wrong time. My foot was stuck between the broken boards, trapping my movements. 

While squirming about I felt Toge's hands placed on my hips then in a blink of an eye I was the one on the floor and he was on top of me. His face was getting closer to mine...unusually close. I closed my eyes when our lips were millimeters away from touching as I was unaware of the unpredictability in his actions. My eyes were still closed but then I felt  something brush against my ear and shoulder. When I opened my eyes I saw Toge's head resting on the floor next to mine.

He- he passed out. He's drop dead unconscious right now- definitely not what I expected to happen... Wait what am I even thinking about right now-

His breathing was slow and steady and his hand was behind my head, cushioning it from the hard impact when he turned me over. Though he was kinda heavy I didn't quite wanted to move him off of me but then I felt a sharp pang of shockwaves surging through my brain.

I carefully rested his body on the floor next to mine and just laid there, watching the ceiling as tiredness overcome me. As my eyes were shutting I felt a strong presence appear behind me.

"My my, looks like this one took a toll on you guys.." the familiar voice spoke.

"Mr. Satoru?" I called out but in a low tone.

"Hm? You still have energy even after all of that? Impressive." He spoke as though he knew what went down between us and the demon. I then felt my body being lifted from the floor and also saw Toge being carried by someone else. Gojo and someone unfamiliar.....

My eyes couldn't take it anymore and casually blanked off the rest of the world to drift asleep out of tiredness.


I was covered in darkness once more, in the same place I saw that 4 limbed thing. This time it wasn't as void-like like before. I could see bones, tons of it. They were piled up and atop of them rested a chair; A Throne. I walked closer to it and surrounding it was a moat filled with a dark substance. Atop of the throne sat him. He was already looking right at me, just observing. On his side of the void there was no light, so his full face was covered, just red specks were staring right at me.

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now