Chapter 13

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Back to Y/N's Pov~

My eyes fluttered open as it adjusted to the light around me. My head began to seriously thud as shockwaves surged through my brain. I felt cold air brushing against my leg which pained so very badly. I was in my pajamas but wasn't in my bed. I looked around and realized that I was in some sort of hospital, on a bed being treated for something. Another shockwave rattled my brain triggering my memory, flashing scenes of me vomiting and nothing else. I couldn't remember anything afterwards and just had a numb feeling all over my body. The room was empty and dead silent and cold air circulated through the vents. My eyes widened as I saw the wound on my leg getting better, healing and changing color back to match the tone of my normal skin.

Where am I? Where's my mom....

My head unconsciously faced the direction of the door as I heard footsteps echoing louder and louder as they approached. The door pried open and the first person I saw was my mom then Mr. Satoru. What was he doing here? My attention moved to the person behind him who also had white hair but was slightly being blocked off by Mr. Satoru, leaving his entire face a mystery. My mom ran towards me with outstretched hands and pulled me into a warm hug. My head rested on her shoulder as I peered over to look at the kid once more. Mr. Satoru shifted positions a little which exposed the kid's face.

"Mom, what's he doing here?" I whispered in her ear when I realized it was Toge. She just looked at me and smiled before backing off to let the nurse examine me. The injury looked much better now and the stings were slowly starting to fade but I couldn't move my legs. It was as if they were paralyzed.

"How long have I been out?" I asked my mom when she came near.

"Uhm 4 days I think. You'd suddenly awake but lose consciousness a couple seconds after." My mom explained with relief in here eyes.

I sat up to face her and the rest of them because I was very surprised that Toge was here. I swear to god if this child really wants his 15 yen— nah he isn't that shallow.

"Why'd you come?" I pointed at Toge and asked straightforwardly. He looked a bit taken aback but cleared his throat to speak.

"It's my herbs, plus you're my classmate." He struggled to even finish the sentence. Why even come all the way here just for that? I looked over at Mr. Satoru and saw a small grin plastered on his face then looked at my mom who was also smiling weirdly.

Am I missing something? What's with the grins-

"When am I going home? I'm really hungry.." my stomach grumbled in lack of food.

The nurse looked at me a bit weirdly then retorted, "you seem very calm for a person who's been attacked by a demon." I lightly chuckled as I remembered all the crazy things that happened to me. I've gotten used to it so expressing emotion wasn't necessary.

"Well it's better than crying out of fright." I confidently responded, though I knew I wasn't all that strong, I didn't want to be the type that always depended on others.

I got up but I had to grab onto something for balance because my leg was still numb. My mom came to support me and assisted me as I walked out.

"Can't Mr. Satoru teleport us?" I asked as I looked at him.

"We'll just take the car—All of us." I saw my mom's eyes widen when Mr. Satoru said that. Wait why is he even here? Does she know him?

When we got to the car Toge and I had to sit in the back and my mom and Mr. Satoru sat in front. The 2 sides were separated because my mom sealed off the part that allowed us to hear or see in front. Something was definitely going on between them. I turned to look at Toge who also noticed their weird behavior but he didn't seem to really care, the usual.

"Why did you really come? There's no way you'd come here without a proper reason." Though I asked many questions the silence was his response. I had given up on getting an answer out of him and focused on what happened to me before I passed out. The first thought that came to mind was Yuji...

"I wonder if he's okay..." I muttered under my breath and saw Toge looking at me now. I averted my gaze from him to look in front of us. I was very curious about what was going on between them and managed to slightly open the thing that separated us. Muffled sounds were interpreted so I opened it a bit more and finally got a reasonable view of them. Gojo was the one talking about him not seeing her for years and how they were in the past.

Mom and Mr. Satoru were classmates??! At Jujutsu Institute?! Well that explains why they look like they're the same age BUT she's technically friends with him— there has to be something going on between them or maybe they're just catching up.

I looked over at Toge in shock when I heard what my mom said. I had a 'did you hear what I just heard' look and he nodded in agreement. My mom said something about liking him......but when she was getting to the good part she noticed us and nervously glared at me before closing it off once more. Well it's not my business to eavesdrop but how could I not when it was about someone like Mr. Satoru. He was one of the best looking teachers there but seriously looked like he had commitment issues. Well I guess there's interesting tea going on between them.

"Do you really want the 15 yen?" I asked him to break the silence and awkward tension.

"No I was just kidding." He said with a light chuckle. He looked happier than when he was at the hospital.

Was he really worried about me?

It's been 4 days...I missed classes for 4 days! What if they learnt some new weird sht about defeating demons?!


I was sitting in the kitchen with my box of fries and chicken eating with my mom. My joints pained, mostly because I hadn't walked for a while. Both my mom and I were eating in silence but then the thought of my teacher and him having something between my mom popped into my mind, making me want to ask my mom. I couldn't resist and just had to know. Turns out my mom, Gojo and someone named Nanami used to go to school together, train together and hunt demons together but something happened between my mom and Gojo but one of them didn't agree with the other and....she couldn't manage to look at him because she knew he'd never return her feelings and...the rest is history. At least they're still on good terms.

Ah...teenage love, it's a dangerous thing.

After I was finished eating I went upstairs to bed because it was getting late and I needed sleep to wake up tomorrow to prepare for the questions I'd be asked by my classmates. When I was fully comfortable I heard a notification come into my phone. It was literally 11 in the night who would possibly want to text me at this time? When I checked it was Yuji. He was asking me if I was okay. How did he know? Did Toge tell him what happened to me? He's already worrying over his dead grandpa he shouldn't worry about me too. I told him I was fine and that he didn't need to worry but he kept insisting that I should take care of myself and should be alert more. He was too sweet and and I had caught a liking to him.

My life has been crazy ever since I moved here...

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