Chapter 20

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The gentleman had neatly combed black hair along with black shades. He wore a black suit and had a cigar in his hand. He looked exactly like the man my mom showed me.

Her boss....more like her lover at this point.

Had he really come all the way here, at this hour just to see my mom? He was definitely different from the others she dated. Even my mom was shocked when she saw him at our front door, looking like a esteemed gentleman awaiting to be attended to. As soon as he stepped into the house I felt...weird. Something was off in the atmosphere when his presence was introduced. I thought nothing of it and carried on with minding my business until my mom was ready to introduce me to him.

Toge on the other hand looked uncomfortable, probably because this was all new to him.

"If you wanna step out for the day you can go....I know all of this might seem awkward for you since you don't even know these people so if you wanna breathe some fresh air don't hesitate to go" I encouraged him. I didn't want him to feel like a burden nor did I want to bore him.

When I glanced into the living room where my mom was talking to the man I saw him looking in my direction. I had caught him looking here more than 3 times already. Maybe he was just eager to meet me....?

Just as both of them were about to sit the doorbell rang once again. This time I went to open it. I was met with a man who looked like he was in his mid 30s. He had piercing brown eyes and had dark brown spiky hair. He looked like he was a full time alcoholic by his unmannerly actions.

This douchebag is the man who brought me into existence?!

"Hello sir--" he interrupted me, pushing me aside and barged right in without my consent. He was swaying from side to side as he walked and he reeked of alcohol.

The 3 of us were now gathered in the living room in silence. My mom looked at him in frustration then looked back at her boss with a forced smile.

I was standing at the end of the room, quietly hovering over as I observed both men in the room. There was certainly a change in her taste as I compared the man who had the title of "father" and the expensive looking one. My mom introduced me to her boss and allowed us both to speak in another room as my mom dealt with my so called father.

"Hello, my name's Daisuke. You must be Ryoko's lovely daughter, Y/n, right?" He said with an outstretched hand.

When I shook it I had the feeling of darkness surge through me. It was very weird since he looked un-bothered and normal. Why am I getting this weird feeling? Why does something seem off? Maybe I was just concerned for my mom.

"How did you do it?"

I heard him ask. I looked at him with furrowed brows and took a step back.

"What?" I questioned in confusion.

"I said how's school." He repeated. He was looking at me weirdly and I was doing the same.

"Uh it's alright I guess." I answered nervously. I was sure he asked me how I did it. What it? Am I hearing things again?

When I looked up at him he was looking at me weirdly and had a slight grin on his face. His hand was now outstretched, raising to the level of my face. I stood there in surprise by his odd actions but watched him continue. As his hand was about to touch my face I felt a brush of air on my face and his hand stopped. He was glaring at Toge who was now in front of me, holding back the man's hand from my reach.

"Don't touch her", I heard him say to Daisuke.

Just then my mom and my dad's voice could be heard from the living room. They were both shouting at each other. The 3 of us broke from the odd situation that beheld us and went to see what was happening.

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