Chapter 5

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I sat up, intently listening to my mom as she spoke. The words coming out of her mouth shocked me.

How could this be possible? How was it all hidden so well? Why did she now decide to tell me this?!

"So mom basically what you're saying is..our family, the (l/n) have had these powers since our bloodline started? And these feelings that I get are natural and happen because of my powers that I haven't fully unlocked yet?" -y/n

"Correct!" -mom

" not everyone is conscious of this? That's why the ones who are, utilize their powers for good? So that's why you sent me to that school...It's some kind of training center for my powers! So everyone else there also haven't unlocked their powers yet but are conscious of it." -y/n

"Great! You're catching on." -mom

"So you've had these powers too? What happened to them?" -mom

"Well....unfortunately mine were taken away from me. Sucked right out of my soul. It happened years ago so I'm over it now. We'll talk about that story some other time." -mom

"Wait wait! So what about the thing that attacked me? What is that? And why did it attack me?" -Y/n

"Well that's a demon. It's a high level demon..which is odd. It's not supposed to be there. When you reach a certain age, you get to see these things; the age being 17. If you're younger you won't. These demons don't usually target little children since they're only at the beginning of building up their power so they mostly go for older people. They feed off your powers." -Mom

"I-" -y/n

"This is a lot to take in." -y/n

I took a deep breath before continuing. It was indeed a lot to take in. Demons, powers, almost dying...and the boy. So basically my family is special because there is no true elemental power that sticks with us. Our powers change depending on each person. We have lightning users, fire users, water users and even nature users. The most rarest of them all The dark magic user. Only one person in our family ever inherited that type of power but it drove him insane. My great grandfather. Was it too powerful? Did the dark magic take him over?

"One more question." I pleaded, giving my mom puppy eyes. She nodded her head motioning for me to ask away.

"Who kills these demons? I mean like- who keeps everything in order?" -Y/n

"Well your teachers at your school are well trained demon hunters. They kill them on command that is given the circumstances. Most demons are low leveled and pose no threat to us so they roam free." -mom

Everything around me became jumbled together. My mom's words were starting to get inaudible. I could feel my eye lids automatically shutting because of my tiredness. I waved my hand at my mom signaling for her to stop before letting my sleepiness overtook me.


I bolted up from my sleeping position, now sitting upright. I glared at my empty leg. There was no bandage on it nor my claw mark injury. It was all gone like it never happened. Wait was that another hallucination?! I can't tell what's real or not...

I walked out my room, fully dressed for school and was now waiting for my mom to finish cooking breakfast. I made my way downstairs into the kitchen to help. I made a bit of a ruckus when I came downstairs so my mom knew I was coming.

"How's your leg? Are you sure you wanna go back to school?" -Mom

"But my leg is fully healed--" -y/n

She turned to me with a questionable look on her face thinking I was lying. When she looked down she was shocked upon gazing at my healed leg.

"How-- But--" She was speechless, almost like she couldn't dare believed it healed so fast. I was a bit worried seeing how she didn't know it healed which meant she didn't take off my bandage.

So then how did it come off? It was wrapped around my foot tightly so there was no way it could have loosened.

Strange. Very strange.


I arrived at school a bit late because my mom didn't want to let me leave. She was hesitant about the attack and the fact that it healed so fast. She was also worried I might get attacked again seeing how the creature wasn't dead.

A high level demon on the loose, a kid that randomly shows up once in a while in my life and a school that secretly isn't a normal school but one that teaches you about controlling your power.

Great. My life couldn't get any better.

I lowered my head before walking into the classroom. I greeted Mr. Satoru, trying to put a smile on my face. Then bowed my head more, staring at the ground as I walked to my seat. When I reached, I could feel the presence of someone else already there. My eyes widen and my brain started to malfunction because of what my eyes were showing me.

It's the kid! That's him! Why is he here?! In my seat?

I stood there looking over at him but he had his head down and didn't notice me. While trying to stop all the different thoughts from entering my mind I heard the sound of Mr. Satoru's voice.

"Y/n aren't you going to sit?" -Gojo

I broke from my trance and shook my head in acceptance. I took the seat next to him and got myself ready for class. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him but I was awaiting for the right time. He was sleeping on the desk, his face positioned in my direction.

I could see all his features vividly now. He had off white hair and smooth skin. His violet eyes that I once saw were hiding behind his closed eyelids and he wore a high zipped up version of the uniform which covered his mouth. He was sleeping peacefully and I couldn't help but respectfully stare. He was so mysterious and I needed answers.

I need answers...

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now