Chapter 12

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Y/n's mother POV ~

"Y/n? Where are you? Why aren't you coming?" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I had been calling for her for 5 minutes now but she hadn't responded any time.

I was getting impatient and had decided to go up and wake her but when I got to her room she wasn't on her bed nor was she in her room but then my eyes fell to the open door at the corner of her room; the bathroom. The door was ajar and the lights were on. I froze when I saw my daughter lying on the floor, looking like she was dead. I quickly picked her up and rested her on her bed. The bathroom floor had dark stuff cloaking it and it smelt like the rotting flesh of dead bodies. There was only one thing I could think of and that was calling Gojo or Nanami. I quickly picked up my phone and called the first number that came to mind. I didn't know how he would possibly be able to help but I knew he'd try his best to.

When he answered it sounded like he knew something like this would happen and agreed to come right away. In less than 5 minutes he had arrived and was already in y/n's room.

"What happened to her?" He asked as he picked her up. Her unconscious body dangled in his arms.

"I don't know..when I went to check on her I saw her on the floor in the bathroom and I'm guessing she had vomited some sort of black liquid." I was panicking and all sorts of words escaped from my lips. I was worried because in all my 38 years of being alive I've never encountered something weird as this sht.

"Ok calm down I'll take her to Shoko and see what she can find out. Oh and by the way, how long has it been? I haven't seen you since you left Jujutsu—" I quickly cut him off before he could say anything more. I just wanted to focus on my daughter and didn't care if the person who was helping me was him. After all, he was the best out of us 3 but I was the stupid one to get carried away with my feelings.

"I didn't call you here for that so let's just take her to Shoko and figure this sht out." I said as I grabbed his arm and walked through the door. We were at the entrance of Jujutsu Tech in less than a second and inside we could see Shoko walking by. It had been years since I came to this building or even talked to Gojo but I was doing this all for my daughter. We walked inside, Gojo had y/n in his arms and I was following behind him. When we met Shoko she greeted us both then looked at y/n.

"What happened to her?" She asked as he pointed at y/n.

"Well we were hoping you could tell us.." Gojo and I both replied in unison.

She led us to a room and laid y/n on a bed. She questioned me, asking me about any and everything I had know that happened to y/n. Everything all came back to her injury. Shoko rolled up y/n's pajamas and revealed her wound coated in black blood and a rotting stench cloaked the air. It looked like she had been infected and was changing by the looks of it.

When the heck did it turn like that?!! It looks like one of those movies where you'd get bite and turn into a zombie but this time...she could be turning into a damn demon.

"How the do we stop this?! Can this be cured?! Is she going to turn into a demon?! What the hell is going on?!" I was starting to hyperventilate because I couldn't dare watch my daughter die before my eyes.

"Well I'll need time to examine her wound but judging by it...I think there's one thing that can possibly cure her, unfortunately I only know of one place where it was said to be grown." -Shoko

"Grown?" Gojo and I both exclaimed in confusion.

"It's called Henbane. It's a poison but it'll help stop the infection in the wound. As ordinary as it may seem it's magical powers lay beyond the normal understanding of a mere human. There's a high chance it'll heal her." -Shoko

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