Chapter 22

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"Toge?" I snapped myself back to reality when I realized I was in his arms. He was in shock himself and seemed to not know what was going on. I looked around me and realized I was back in the normal world, in the girl's washroom but how did Toge get here?

"T-thank you" I managed to mutter as I helped myself up. He looked at me worried and most likely knew something was wrong but didn't bother to ask just yet.

"How did you know? How did you even get in??" I questioned in amazement. If anyone saw, they'd think he was a pervert or someone weird.

"First thing I was on the roof waiting for you then I was in here. I don't know what's happening. It's like I just teleported..." he said in a shaky tone. How's he always teleporting to me when I'm in danger? This is strange.

While washing my face before we left we heard banging on the door. It sounded like 2 impatient girls who had to use the washroom. Toge came closer to me and I felt him tugging at my jacket in fear. If they saw him in here they'd probably report him to a teacher or won't believe our explanation.

"Hey! Open up! Why'd you even lock the door?!" They were causing a commotion outside.

"In a minute." A brilliant idea flashed through my mind as they continued to make a ruckus behind the door.


I opened the door to be met with indeed 2 girls. They looked like they were 15 which could only mean that they were first graders. They looked at me weirdly then pointed at the person next to me.

"Is she okay?" They asked as they looked at the person who was covered by my jacket.

"Oh uh yeah. Her boyfriend just broke up with her and she's been crying. That's why she doesn't wanna show her face." I whispered to them. Their faces changed to normal when I told them the cliche story. I could tell Toge was getting impatient being covered up and huddled close to me so I quickly took my leave, going far away from them as possible.

When we reached the rooftop I removed the jacket from his head he was slightly sweating and he looked at me with a dumb look on his face.

"Boyfriend? Seriously? Couldn't you say I was sick or something..." -Toge

"But it was believable, they didn't even suspect a thing and you gotta admit it was kinda funny." I said as I let out a light chuckle.

While we were eating I told him about what actually happened to me while I was in the washroom, and now we were both wondering who could have done it—who was the person that killed my father. We were both suspicious of Daisuke since he was the last person who was with him but....what would the reason be for him to do that? Daisuke seemed like a normal human who had no powers, well not that we could detect but it was odd at first when he had entered the house. There was an immense dark presence that overlaid the atmosphere and when I shook his hand I felt more darkness but it all vanished. It could only mean he was some sort of skilled powerful person who could hide his powers or he was just a mere human and we were just being too concerned.

"So it seems that it's getting worse now. Before, you'd be sleeping then you'd have these nightmares you were fully awake when it happened." He narrated in a serious tone. He was correct, it was indeed getting worse and it was starting to link with reality.

I really wanted to ask him if he knew anyone with the name of Ryomen but I didn't get the rest of the demon's name so it would be pointless.

"So you're really going out with Yuji huh..." He randomly stated.

"It's it funny how I was gonna ask him about something for you but ended up getting his permission to hang together! At least a good thing finally happened this week." I said with a sigh. Way too many things happened since I moved here and it was just getting even worse.

He slowly nodded his head then turned away his attention from me.

"Am I annoying?" I asked out of simple curiosity but it was also because lately Toge seemed mad or sad when I spoke to him.

"Yes." He callously responded with a straight face.

"Ouch, no need to be that honest." -Y/N


After lunch was over we headed back to the classroom. When I had settled down in my seat I had noticed something sticking out of the book on my desk. I gently slid it out and realized it was that photograph but as I looked at it, shivers went running down my spine. More people had disappeared from the frame and Toge's face was crossed off and part of his body had faded. What did that mean? I showed him the photo and he was shocked. I had recalled one of the person's face that used to be on the photo as reported deceased a few days ago. Are all the missing people dead? Were their deaths linked to their disappearance from the photo?

Was Toge next?

Just thinking of Toge going missing or dying was dreadful. It was getting serious and the fact that there was a chance Toge could go missing was horrible.

"Hey Toge! You're sleeping with me tonight." I sanguinely said as I made intense eye contact with him. It just happened that he was drinking water at the moment and began to choke.

"W-what?" He looked at me weirdly as he began to stutter.

"Well, the people in this photograph vanished and I have evidence that they most likely died you can see your face is crossed out. You might die! Or go missing! I definitely don't want that to happen so that's why you should sleep with me." I wasn't thinking much about how what I was saying had actually sounded because I was really worried for him.

"I—" -Toge

"What? Aren't you worried about your safety too?" I asked because I was puzzled.

"But my room is next to yours...." He quietly said, his face was seemingly unreadable now.

"What if what happened to me happens to you and when you wake up you see that you're tied to a tree in a forest in the middle of nowhere??There is a possibility--" Y/N

"Let's just focus on our normal lives for now." He insisted then quickly changed the topic.


School was over for the day so Toge and I decided to go home early. When we arrived, mom was in the kitchen and she did look better than how she was in the morning. I walked up to her and warmly hugged her from behind, my jaw was resting on her shoulder as I watched her make food while I continued to cling to her. I didn't want her to feel that I was in a bad mood because of this morning nor did I want to worry her more about the matter. After all, I just wanted her to forget about it.

"I'm fine really don't have to worry about me." I whispered the words softly in her ear to reassure her.

After we ate dinner it was already getting late and mom insisted that we sleep early so both Toge and I went to bed. I didn't dare ask him if he'd consider my idea because while I was walking home I realized how weird it sounded. We both went into our own rooms without saying a word to each other, just a simple good night was enough for both of us.


I was sitting in a dark room, droplets of water echoed in the silence that surrounded me. My feet were chained together with shackles and my mouth was tied up with rope. I was enveloped in darkness and the cold musky air was thick all around me. I couldn't move my legs and my speech muffled when I tried to yell.

In the midst of all the darkness, a red door appeared out of nowhere, couple inches away from me. The door flung open and behind it was....a person. They were on their knees, their head head was bent and they were facing me but i couldn't make out who it was properly.

I tried getting closer and when the person came into actual view I realized it was Yuji but when I tried calling his name he didn't answer nor did he flinch. His head then suddenly began moving in an upward direction to face me. When his head was at eye level view I was shocked because he changed from Yuji to Toge.

Why are they here in a dream like this?

Was I thinking about them too much?

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