Chapter 40- The End?

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"I hate you but I really f-cking love you at the same time. You make me feel so weak when I'm in your presence. I don't know how even after 3 years I still couldn't forget you. You make me so f-cking happy and I know I hurt you and I know I abandoned you but I want you to forgive me. I don't want to remember what went down 3 years ago. I want you to comfort me but it seems as though I'm asking too much. Do I even deserve your love?"

I couldn't look at him. How could I possibly? I know I f-cked up the mood we had earlier but this has been weighing down on me for a while now.

His hands cupped my cheeks, wiping away the tears that threatened to wet my face.

"Y/ many times do I have to tell you I really forgive you. What happened in the past, it really doesn't affect me anymore. I'm not hurt about what happened. I know why you did what you did and I fully understand it. I don't condone your actions. It really doesn't matter. I love you for who you are. I'll always be by your side if you let me. I'll always be there to comfort you. I'll always be here to cook for you. I really f-cking love you, can't you see that??"

For some reason my heart broke...I was so happy that it was unbelievable. He really knows how to make emotional just by his words.

"Well it seems as though fate brought us together. Second chances really are a thing." I smiled back at him while wiping away my tears.

"I love you too Toge. I really do" I said before pulling him into another embrace.


Time went by so quickly. In 2 days the month would soon be up. Was I going to leave? Of course not. Staying for an entire month rebuilding my bond with Toge would be all for nothing. Why would I leave? I had absolutely no reason to. I had no home to go back to, no one waiting for me so why would I leave?

I walked into the living room where I saw Toge casually sitting on the couch in anticipation. Why does he look so serious? I slackened the knot on my robe so that the coverage over my breast was loose. I had just taken a shower and my hair was slightly damp. I made my way infront of him and sat on his lap.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so serious?" I asked, not in a serious tone but more seductively. My fingers traced his lips as I watched him study my actions.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I saw his gaze fall down to my chest and a smirk quickly formed on my face. I could also see a smirk tugging at his lips and I used the opportunity to steal a kiss.

My arms snaked sound his neck and our bodies were touching each other and I could feel his warmth enveloping me.

He broke the passionate kiss so suddenly to catch his breath but didn't allow me to reconnect our lips once again.

"Wait,Y/n-- we can't--" I didn't allow him to continue. My lips crashed on his and this time I dominated his mouth, sliding in my tongue. He fell weak to me giving him pleasure but we were interrupted by the voice of someone.

We both broke the kiss and turned to the direction of the sound.

"G-grandma?? You're here already?" Toge spoke first.

Oh shit! I totally forgot he said Izumi was coming today to 'apologise' for how she treated me in the past and he wanted me to meet her since we were serious about our newly formed relationship.

I looked away in embarrassment. She saw everything....

"I- I'll be right back" I managed to say as I ran into the hall. I quickly entered our room and got my clothes ready and headed back out after I was properly dressed.

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