Chapter 30

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Continuation of Toge's POV

I tried my best to relax while I spent the rest of Sunday avoiding thinking of y/n but I couldn't. She was always on my mind. I worried for her but couldn't do anything in my power. With Izumi gone I could convince Charmy or just sneak out to go to school. That's gonna be a piece of cake, right?

Monday arrived quickly and I was already in my uniform, hiding so that Charmy wouldn't see me. If she asked I'd just say I have a test or assignment and had to go urgently. Believable right?

Luckily she wasn't awake yet so I made a sign and pasted it on my door.

"Sleeping! Do not disturb."

It seems lame but judging Charmy, she'd fall for anything. I quietly and cautiously sneaked out of the compound without getting noticed and quickly made my way to school.

When I walked into class my eyes went straight to her desk but it was inhabited with another backpack that wasn't hers. My eyes scanned the room and saw that she was sitting in Yuji's seat so that could only mean that it was Yuji's backpack which was there. She switched seats. Why did she switch seats?

I threw my backpack in my seat and moved over to her, hesitantly. I tapped her on the shoulder but she didn't budge.

"Y/n?" I called out to her but she didn't look at me. She's ignoring me....avoiding me...

She removed my hand from her shoulder but didn't once look at me nor say anything to me. I don't care about getting hurt I just wanted to make sure she was okay. I wanted to be by her side...but she's pushing me away because of yesterday. What happened to her?

"Y/n...please talk to me.." I softened my voice and bent down to her level, looking at her in her eyes but she only kept her gaze away from me.

"Please" I begged but she wouldn't listen.

"Stay away from me before I hurt you more....please" her voice was tranquil and had no ounce of emotion in it. She's being serious. "I already hurt you once. I don't wanna do it again so just get out of my sight" She continued. For a slight moment I sensed regret in her tone but she quickly toughened her voice.

"Leave. Don't talk to me. I'll only hurt you more. She was right..." she silently admitted. Who was right? Who did this to her?! These fu€king people!

I backed away slowly, contemplating if I should try asking her once more or just let her be for a while. Yeah, maybe letting her calm was better for the both of us.


Letting her calm down?

It's been 4 whole goddamn days and she still refuses to look at me.

How much longer must I wait?!

It was Friday afternoon and I was pacing the corridors waiting for y/n to exit the classroom. She didn't speak to me but I'd catch her glancing over at me sometimes but she'd quickly turn away. At times I'd feel frustrated but all I could do was give her some space and time to recuperate.

When she came out of the classroom I was expecting her to exit with Maki or Nobara but she was alone, which in my case was better. I grabbed her wrist and walked down the corridor with her while she fidgeted, trying to break loose. I wasn't trying to be forceful so my grip on her wasn't that tight.

"What are you doing??!" She exclaimed, caught off guard by my actions. I just continued down the corridor leading up to the rooftop. I tried my best not to use my powers as she tried to break free from my grip but failed to do so.

"Y/n please speak to me, tell me what's wrong. I need to know. You can't just keep avoiding me like this. It's pointless and you know it so stop and just tell me. Why are you being like this? Who told you, you'd hurt me? Just please tell me." I was slightly tearing up because of how hurt I felt. We both were hurting on the inside.

She turned around to face me now, her gaze was lowered to the floor. I awaited for a response but then saw droplets of water falling to the floor. When I looked at her face, tears were streaming down her cheeks as she silently sobbed. I was still holding her hand but much more gentler now. She didn't say anything but just sobbed.

"Toge I can't--" I cut her off before she could say something to counter my words. I didn't want to hear it again. Shards of glass stabbed my heart when she told me to leave her alone or when she'd ignore me.

"I hurt you...I saw it with my own eyes. You hit your head and it's my fault. I injured will I ever be able to forgive myself? Your grandmother was right, I'm just a threat to you and I'll only hurt you more. You shouldn't stay by my side for your own safety. Please...just listen, I don't want to hurt you anymore." She narrated between her sobs. Her eyes were still paced to the floor.

"I can't control my powers and I don't even know how it's activated. Everything's still a mystery and I have to solve it." She continued.

"Then we'll solve it together."

I happily exclaimed but this only brought worry to her eyes.

"No Toge..I have to do this alone."

"I swear to fu€king god y/n you piss me off so much but I'm pissed because I care for you. I really care about you and it worries me everyday..." I fell silent when I saw her raise her head up to look at me. Her face was still as beautiful as ever even after she was crying.

"Toge..." She comfortingly spoke, her tone was not rigid anymore. She cupped her left hand on my cheek as she stared directly into my eyes. At first she was fine but then she pulled away so suddenly.

"This isn't right--" I didn't let her finish again but this time I looked at her deeply.

Fu€k it! I can't wait any longer...!

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