Chapter 3

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I took quite a while to process the names and faces of these people. Everyone looked different and had unique features. I was sitting at the far left of the class, behind everyone, just observing them. No one seemed to care about my presence so i felt comfortable around them. They were indeed chaotic together but just by looking at them you could tell they were all close. Maki and Mai looked very similar but their personalities were total opposite. While in thought it finally hit me, they had the same last name. Damn y/n how are you this dumb? I internally facepalmed as I came to the realization. They were related.

I continued to observe everyone, eying the kid whose name was 'Panda'. His hair was black and white and he dressed in the same colors which made him look exactly like a panda but just in human form. Yuji, Megumi and Nobara looked like best friends and they seemed fun to be around. Momo looked like a 13 year old who was still in the 'wannabe cute stage' but it fitted her style. Everyone else were just minding their own business but there was something weird about them. Even though the room's atmosphere was tranquil, I could sense something deep down in everyone. It felt like some type of power dwelling deep in them...except Maki. I couldn't feel anything from her but she still did give off a strong aura.

While still captured in my thoughts I hadn't realized Yuji was sitting next to me again. After the snap of his fingers, I was broken from my trance.

"Hey, you doing okay? If you need anything just ask. We won't bite." He said sarcastically, then giving me a pat on my back.

"One question- This doesn't seem normal at all...Where is our teacher? Isn't this a school?" I looked over at him confused, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't you know? We're all special..." -Yuji


"I don't get it—" -Y/n

"We all have something about us that normal people don't usually have. I wouldn't call it superpowers but—" -Yuji

"Sorry what?" I abruptly cut him off before he could finish. What is this school? Why did my mom bring me here? Is he for real?

He looked at me surprised before continuing. "Don't you know? You're here for a reason. We all are. There's no way Y.G would let a normal student step foot into this place. You're special Y/n. You mightn't know it yet but you are."

This is too much- what is going on here? Is he telling the truth? Why did mom bring me here?! I'm not special and I never will be.

Why am I here?

I looked at Yuji, then gently placed my head on the desk, covering my face. I was slowly processing everything he said and everything that happened so far. I grasped my backpack tightly then pushed my body up. I walked out the room, not muttering a single word to anyone. I closed the door behind me and bent my head, eying the ground, walking hopelessly on the corridor.

"Oww..." I exclaimed while rubbing my head. "Stupid wall", I muttered thinking I had walked into a wall while my head was still bent.

"Hmm, I don't identify as a wall though..." I heard the voice of a male slowly speaking. I shot my head up, my eyes meeting blue marble orbs that looked like the entire ocean was sealed inside. My gaze was met with the one's of a tall male with white hair, blue eyes and suited in black also. Is he a student? It might be rude to assume-

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to—" I couldn't finish because he spoke over me.

"It's fine. You're....Y/n, right? I heard someone new was going to be in my class...must be you then. I'm your teacher, Gojo Satoru." -Gojo

I shook his outstretched hand and by doing so, I once again felt a rush inside me. I could feel something big lurking deep inside of him but I also felt his sense of protectiveness. I looked at him with a faint smile before letting go. While I was with him I could see my mom walking towards us in the distance. I waved my hand signaling to her that I was here. She finally reached up to us and I was excused from my convo with Gojo to talk to her.

I grasped her hand tightly and looked into her eyes. "MOM! WHERE DID YOU BRING ME?! THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING THEY'RE SPECIAL! I DON'T GET IT!" I lowered my voice when I saw Gojo glancing over at us.

"Calm down hunny. Look, your class is about to start, why don't we talk about this when we get home? I'll explain it all to you. Okay?" -Mom

I gave her a questionable glare before giving in. I followed behind my teacher, entering the classroom with him. All eyes were on us again.

"This is your new—" Mr. Satoru was cut off by the unison of the class yelling "we know" at him.

"I see you've met her already so then that means she probably already found a then let's get started with our lesson for today." -Gojo

I quietly walked over to where I was supposed to sit but froze in my tracks when I saw him. It was the same kid from the picture but just an older version. Everything about his appearance confirmed that he was the same kid from the picture. I faltered at the thought of the weird occurrence. The kid who was supposedly in the picture before he disappeared was now sitting down in my seat. Maybe I'm hallucinating again- YES that's probably it! I pinched both my cheeks, hoping it was just a glitch in the matrix and indeed when I looked back, he was gone just like before.

I looked around to see if anyone saw what I did but no one payed attention to me, they were all listening to our teacher. I guess it was just a hallucination....

I quietly took a seat, focusing my mind on what Mr. Satoru was saying. 

I guess I'll just have to wait till I get back home for answers.

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now