Chapter 9

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It was almost time for me to get up but I didn't dare remove the covers. I couldn't sleep peacefully after what happened. The only logical thing I could think of was sleepwalking but that has never happened to me before. Time was flying by faster and it was getting close to school hours so I had to get up. I quickly took a bath, brushed my teeth and got read and went downstairs. I saw a note on the kitchen counter which explained that my mom had to leave early for work so I'd have to eat breakfast alone.

I ate the food and then grabbed my backpack and shoes to go out the front door but as I was near I felt weird. I couldn't explain what the feeling was but I knew it was bad. I peeped through the glass by the 2 sides of the door but everything looked normal outside. No one was there so why did I feel that way?

I slowly turned the knob, opening the door slightly, leaving a crack for me to see through. It was dark and no light could illuminate it. My grip on the door got tighter but when I tried to close it, the door somehow swung open with a force, exposing the thick darkness of nothing that laid beyond. I tried to back away but my body couldn't move. It's like something invisible was pushing me into what looked like a void. I closed my eyes, afraid of what I'd witness. I managed to grip my hands on the frame of the door to hold myself back but the force was too strong on my back and shoved me completely into the dark abyss.

My eyes were still closed as I felt the touch of grass on my hands. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in some type of garden with a huge tree in the center but there was blood flowing from the tree. It all looked familiar, like I had heard about it before. I got up and walked closer to the tree which was so big, the branches covered the sky. As I was getting closer I saw someone else there also. It was the same male who mentioned something about a plan when I was back in that dream. He had two cups in his hand and it had red liquid with crushed up leaves inside. He gave me one and awaited for me to sit next to him. I needed to know what plan he was talking about and why we were here.

"Excuse me sir, might I ask you a favor?" I spoke in the most formal way possible. He nodded his head and gestured for me to continue.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go over the plan once more. These days I feel like I'm getting more forgetful." I added with a chuckle to lighten the mood.

"This is why you're our favorite." He replied with a faint smile. "You're not always strict with us, Miss Tohru." I heard a click in my mind when he mentioned the name. Everything pieced together perfectly. The tree, the blood, the formalities and now my name; Tohru Hime. It was all from what Mr. Satoru explained to us about the origin of demons and powers.

Am I back in time?

How is this even possible?

I'm here, experiencing the very story Mr. Satoru told us, but how?

He cleared his throat and looked around first.

"Well the 4 remaining clan members proposed we do this bloodbath in order to defeat Sukuna. You were ill at the given time so your presence was excluded, though you later agreed seeing how it was the only way we could stop him." He narrated. The cups in both of our hands probably meant it was time for us to complete our plan.

Where were the other 2? There's only 2 of us....

"A sip of this is said to give you powers of some sort. It's all based on rumors but this is the only thing left for us to turn to or else Sukuna will kill more innocent lives and turn them into those wretched creatures!"He exclaimed in frustration.

I held the cup in my hands and slowly lifted it to my face.

What'll happen if I drink it?

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now