Chapter 33

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I drove the sword through his heart-

I stabbed him....or so I thought.

When I looked down at him, the sword turned to loose pieces of dark cloud before vanishing into the air. There was no stab wound by his chest and no blood spilling out of him. He opened his eyes which displayed beautiful violet lens looking at me. The seals were back on his cheeks.

"Oh thank goodness you're alive" I sighed in relief. I was so exhausted from fighting with Sukuna that I could hardly breathe. My hands frantically gripped Toge while my head was resting on his chest as he laid on the floor. I could tell he was also exhausted too from getting all those hits. I was curled up on his chest for a while but then caught myself and remembered Sukuna.

Where did he go? He just left Toge's body....stupid fool thought he could outsmart me.

"I'm sorry I put you through that...I wasn't going to actually kill you. I just needed Sukuna to believe it in order for him to leave your body. In the end it all worked out okay but my mom's still dead...." A part of me was shattered to pieces when I said that. My mom was dead. She didn't even get to watch me graduate...

"Even after all of that you still have time to apologize to me...." He said hoarsely with a faint smile tugging at his lips. A feeling of relief washed over me but I also felt guilt.

"Aren't you bothered by the fact that I almost killed you?" I asked in a slightly serious tone. How could he possibly trust me after I was about to stab him...

"You did what you had to. It was the only way to stop him. Where even is he?" He got up from lying down and was bracing the wall again for support. I scanned the room but I couldn't see him. The book he wanted was casually laying on a desk as though it was just an ordinary one.

When I went to pick it up it dispersed from my hands. It turned to dust. What was that? Does that mean he's dead? What happened to the book?

"We should get out of this wretched place", I trembled. I helped Toge up and went for the door but it was locked.

"Do you smell that? Something stinks--" my eyes adjusted to the darkness searching for the source of the scent.

"Oh shit is that my mom!? No no it can't be!" I looked down at the shadowy figure just laying there, lifeless on the cold floor.

"It's her isn't it-" I wished if it wasn't true but when I got closer it was indeed her. Her heart was ripped out and she was long dead. I fell to my knees and wept. I couldn't believe it. She was actually dead and her body was right in front of me. Her face looked calm, hopefully she didn't die full of regret.

"Mom, I'm here, y/n's here. I- I'm really sorry I couldn't save you. I'm really sorry I wasn't strong enough to protect you. Why did it have to be you...why didn't he just take the book and leave us alone." My eyes were burning as I continued to cry. Toge kneeled next to me and comforted me while I cried.

"I really hope I was a good daughter to you. I'm afraid I have to leave and I can't take your body with me....please forgive me."

My body didn't want to move from next to hers. Toge had to guide me to a spot in the room away from her. There was no escape. The only door leading to the exit of the room was locked from the outside so we had nowhere else to go.

We both sat down, hope was abolished and we were filled with despair. How would we leave? What if Sukuna isn't actually dead? What if he comes back?!

Just then, the door flew open, it was ripped from its hinges and was kicked to the wall. A silhouette of a tall, slender, man was standing at the doorway.

"Ah my kiddos you're safe!" The person exclaimed and my mind went straight to Mr. Satoru. When he walked into the room, it was indeed him.

"You guys should probably go outside so that Shoko can make sure you're okay and tend to those wounds" he said, sounding like a worried parent.

When he turned to the side of him where my mom was I saw him step back. Right, he was friends with my mom so this must be hard for him also.

"You should go. I'll deal with her." He said in an almost inaudible tone. I watched her body one last time before exiting, Toge was leading the way.

When we made our way outside it was a familiar sight. The asylum??!! We were in the basement of the asylum. Why did Sukuna bring us here??

The bright sunlight blinded me because I was in the dark for too long and now I could barely open my eyes.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I heard Toge's soothing voice echoing in my ear.

When I turned to look at him I was now able to see all the injuries he sustained. His lip was bleeding, blood trickled down his forehead and his clothes were dirty. He also looked like he was limping.

I did this-- I did this to him. How could he possibly look at me and smile so warmly? Why isn't he blaming me? There's no way he sees me the same way...

"Y/n are you feeling alright?" He asked, not a bit concerned of his own wellbeing.

"I should be the one asking you that", my eyes were glued to the floor, avoiding any eye contact with him. If I did look at him I wouldn't be able to hold back my tears. He forgave me but I couldn't even forgive myself.

After Shoko cleaned our wounds and patched us up Toge had to leave because of the 'house arrest' he was under because of his grandmother.

I didn't go back to school for days and just stayed in my room. I couldn't even look at my mom's room because it would only make me cry. The house was empty without her and I felt emptier. My life was dull and I could hardly eat anymore. I couldn't live anymore. I couldn't look at Toge because I'd only be reminded of what I did to him. He probably hates me deep down....

Should I just end it all? Was living even worth it?

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