Chapter 37

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The clothes that he left for me fitted me well. The shirt and sweatpants were comfortable enough so I was relieved. When I exited the room I felt his eyes on me again.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked. I took a seat on the other couch opposite him.

"I didn't want you running away again" he replied with a faint smile. It was somewhat sad.

"Why weren't you home when I woke up?" -y/n

"Some dude was calling your phone and mind you it was annoying and you were asleep so I had no other choice than to answer it. Turns out it was your instructor and he wanted to know why you didn't report back to him for the mission." He paused then let out a low chuckle. "I told him I kidnapped you and if he tried searching for you I'd report him to the higher authorities who oversee all of the sorcerers in Japan. He's a very bad man", he pouted. He switched from intimidating to cute in just less than a second-

"You did what now?! When I go back there I could get fired! Sir Yuta will kill me for sure! What were you thinking?!" -y/n

"Go back? There won't be a need for you to return back there. You'll just stay with me here." He just looked at me and smiled.

"Why would I even stay here? I have a life now." -y/n

"I'm sure you're tired of working your ass off every single day so why don't you take a break? I'll try to entertain you for the time being. How does that sound?" -Toge

It's true, I've gotten tired of doing everything by myself but I had to. I needed a break but was staying with him the right thing to do? The past doesn't affect me that much anymore but what if he holds a grudge against me for what I did to him? What if he really did kidnap me but to torture me?!

"Y/n? You've been staring at the floor for an unusually long time now. Is my suggestion that much to ponder over or are you thinking about what I might do to you?" He isn't talking about something sexual now is he-

"Don't worry" he grinned, "I won't do anything to you without permission."

I felt a bit of ease but I don't entirely trust him. What if I lose my ability to walk? Wait, y/n no, what are you thinking?!

"Alright well I guess I can take a 1 week break." He looked at me with furrowed brows. "You mean 1 month. Who takes just 1 week to relax?" He compelled.

"I'm sticking to 1 week."

When I said that he got up from his side of the couch and stood in the clearance between the two. He pulled me up to my feet by my wrists and pulled me into a kiss. Indeed I got flustered but I slowly allowed myself to kiss back. I felt his tongue entering my mouth but I then felt him smirking against my skin. He pulled away and broke the kiss with a smile on his face.

"Did you think a simple kiss would change my mind?" I huffed and playfully rolled my eyes.

"Says the one who kissed back, but no I know it won't change your mind so easily." It looked like he had something behind his back in his hand.

"Got it" he snickered as he dangled my car keys in the air for me to see.

"Wait how-- hey give me those! How did you get them so easily?" I tried reaching for it but he kept his hand high in the air out of my reach.

"1 month or these keys won't see their correct owner."

As much as I detested his actions, a part of me wanted to stay a little longer. What if I find my happiness again? What if spending more time with him would help me stop getting these nightmares?

"Okay then. 1 month. I'll stay here for 1 month then leave when the time is over. Deal?" He was already genuinely smiling.

"Deal!" He pulled me into an embrace and began sobbing.

"You good?" I was so confused. His mood changed so quickly already.

"Yeah. I'm just really happy I'm finally seeing you after all that time." He pulled away and fully looked at my face. I saw tears on his cherry red cheeks.

Shouldn't I be the one crying because of leaving him? Why- did I hurt him this badly?

I cupped his precious cheeks and wiped his tears.

"I'm truly sorry that I put you through this. I hope with this final apology we can get over the past and just look back at it and laugh...even through the pain. I shouldn't have left...or I should've just taken you with me." I grinned. He was now smiling again.

"Best friends huh" he joked.

"Mom would probably be questioning you right now" I laughed. "I miss her..." my voice trailed off. "I miss her too" Toge added.

"Damn this got sad fast" I wiped my tears and sat down back on the couch. Toge sat next to me also but now we were in silence.

"Sooo....where am I going to sleep?" I broke the silence and hesitantly asked.

"With me."

I choked on my saliva.

"I think I'll pass. You have other rooms, why can't I just use one?" -y/n

"They're empty. You have no other choice." He smirked. His seals don't appear often anymore. Maybe he learnt how to control his powers. I did too.

"That's fine I can use the couch." I defended. He fell back into the couch and sighed helplessly.

When I woke up I felt pain in my muscles. I should have just taken the bed— I went into the kitchen and saw him there already...making breakfast?

I looked at his hands and was reminded of what happened in the school. I see he's really skilled with those fingers- I got embarrassed at my own thoughts.

You're up early" I cleared my throat to get his attention. He turned to look at me and was smiling. "What's got you in such a good mood?" I questioned.

"I'm just happy you're here and didn't try running away at night." After i heard that I couldn't hold in my laughter.

"You're really something, you know that." I looked at him almost in tears because of laughter.

"Since I'll stay for a while I should help out right?" I went next to him to help with the cooking. He was making toast and eggs so nothing could possibly go wrong.

Maybe I could get use to this...

Relationship goals right there 😩✨✨

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