Chapter 26

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I grabbed his hand that rested on my chin and pulled it closer to me making his body fall on mine.

"Well show me what your words can do" I said seductively. Our eyes met, a long pause came over us as we both observed each other.

"You got my hopes---" -Y/N

I felt his soft lips crash into mine. I was shocked because I didn't think he'd actually go through with it. It got deeper and deeper and the burning sensation in me erupted. My hands snaked around his neck and the other one gripped his hair. The butterflies in my stomach tingled as I felt his hands on my hips. The kiss grew more intimate everytime we parted for air.

He stopped and looked at my face and smirked.

"Good girl" his sultry voice melted as it pleased my ears.

Our lips came into contact once more but I was suddenly lifted from the floor and placed on the counter behind me. His hands tightly gripped my waist as he held me up while continuing the kiss without breaking it. I could feel his warm body pressing against mine as he leaned in, his hands slowly traced my thighs reaching closer to my inner thigh. I suddenly broke the kiss as I was now reminded of what we were actually doing. Though I craved for his touch it wasn't right. Is this just 'in the moment' sort of thing or does he actually feel something for me?

"Not satisfied?" He pouted.

"I--" -Y/N

"Y/n? Toge??" When we both heard our names being called our attention went straight to the door.

"Fuxk" I muttered under my breath when I realized it was my mom. I quickly moved Toge away and jumped off of the counter. I washed my face and properly fixed my clothes before heading to the door.

I totally did not just have a make out session with the person who I told my mom was my 'best friend'- fuxking hell it did feel nice though...

I tried maintaining my composure as I opened the door to greet my mom.

"You're here early" I said as I cleared my throat. She looked at me with slight suspicion before coming inside.

"Yeah we have to get going, Daisuke is coming over today for dinner and I want you both to be there." -mom

"Oh" Toge and I both exclaimed in unison. He was now standing behind me as we both listened to my mom. I exchanged a few glances with him every now and then but couldn't even dare look at him for too long.

"But wouldn't it be less awkward if we weren't there?" Toge asked, the same question also lingered in my mind. I nodded in agreement then looked in the direction of my mom to see what she had to say.

"I know right, it's kinda weird how he insists on having you guys there...." her voice trailed off. "Maybe he just really likes kids?" Her voice was filled with uncertainty. What if he really was the demon? My dreams seemed too real to for it to be deceiving. This can be my chance to really prove it.

"Or maybe he's—" I cut myself off because I was reminded that my mom knew nothing that happened between us and causing a stir when I wasn't sure if he was good or bad might make her suspicious of him. I just wanted her to be happy for the time being so I kept my mouth shut.

Toge looked at me, I'm sure he heard what I said and was now wondering why I made that peculiar comment. I was sure I'd tell him about the dream I had earlier but being let alone much less speaking to him was a bit challenging now.

"Did something happen between you two?? You both look shy and you're glancing at each other awkwardly." She plainly stated, her description detailed and unfiltered.


I let out a nervous laugh and rubbed my neck out of embarrassment. "E-everything's fine." I added as I adverted my gaze from hers.

"We should get going now" she added as she changed the subject. "The car's right outside the hotel, I'll be waiting." After she left the room fell silent, not a single sound came from the two of us.

I turned around and was about to get my backpack when I saw Toge already looking in my direction. The seals were on his face once more. All I knew so far was that when the seals appear on his face it means he either activated it willingly or his emotions were taking over; in this case I'm guessing it was his emotions.

He walked up to me, pinning me against the wall, his hands by both sides of my head. He had the same ravishing look he had before on his face. I gripped his shirt with both of my hands, pulling him closer to my face.

"Let's continue this some other time" -y/n

A smirk formed on my face as I teased him. His face was tainted with a hint of cherry red and the seals on his cheeks disappeared. He backed away with his head down, covering his flustered face.

After we both finally gathered all of our stuff we left the hotel and headed home with my mom. The car ride was silent as none of us muttered a word to one another.

While I was dazed in thoughts I remembered Yuji. I planned on calling him as soon as I reached home to clear up all the misunderstandings and to see if we was okay.


It was 7pm and the table was already set. Dinner was served and all 4 of us settled around the table. When I saw his face I couldn't stop thinking about the dream. It was definitely him, the only difference was that in the dream he had markings on his face and arms. The voice of this man doesn't match the voice of the demon at all but his features were the same.

I felt something hit my elbow. When I turned my attention back to reality I saw Toge, his hand was the one that nudged mine. I gave him a weird look like I was asking him why he did that. His eyes traced over to Mr. Kanbae and my eyes followed also. Mr. Kanbae was already looking at me, his eyes glowing with slight red. He definitely has to be the demon.

"So Mr Kanbae, why do you like my mom? Since when did you like her? How old are you? Where were you born? Are you human?

"Cadecp"  (kodoku)

"Oep'gl ipcpjm mglj'h oep"  (you're Sukuna, aren't you)

He halted when he heard me say it. Both my mom and Toge were confused because what I said seemed like gibberish but it was actually demon language.

"Goealj ipcpjm" (Ryomen Sukuna) he answered in the same language.

"Ao feec! n mjh ao feec!" (My book! I want my book!) he hissed. His eyes were turning into a dark hue of red as I provoked him.

Book? What book? A stupid book?!

"Ok guys...I don't know what sht you were doing a minute ago but let's just continue eating." Though my mom seemed chill, I knew after he left she'd want me to explain myself. She was a very observant woman and didn't take some things lightly. How do I tell her she has feelings for a 1000+ year old demon that's using an innocent human's body for his own evil gains?

|| A/N ||
Okay....uh this chapter was basically a rollercoaster- I-
Oh right the 'demon language' is actually a real thing....I was checking something on google and I found a translator. It's probably fake asf and just made up but well it's still interesting.

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