.Chapter 38.

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"What am I going to do for an entire month other than staying locked up in this house?" I looked in his direction while munching on the toast.

"This house is pretty boring and you probably have to go on missions so I'll be left alone." I didn't want to be alone anymore. I didn't want to be abandoned yet I was the one who abandoned him .

"I'll just inform the head of Tokyo's Jujutsu Kaisen that I'll be on a short leave so I can spend time with you or you can work at Tokyo for the time being." He beamed a smile at me.

"W-work in Tokyo? Can I do that?" -Y/n

"Yeah I'm sure you can. Get dressed and let's go." He got up from his seat in a hurry.

"But I don't have any other clothes to wear except yours." I sighed in defeat.

"Alright then. Get up, we're going shopping."

Shopping? My broke ass can probably barely even afford a decent meal much less shopping...

"Don't worry I'll pay. My treat for kidnapping you" he playfully joked.

"Okay then! Thanks but I'll be sure to repay you someday." -Y/n


"Why so much?? Do you have the money to pay for all of this?? Isn't this a bit extra?" I couldn't stop asking questions. He had bought way too many clothes and shoes just for me.

"Are you sure about all of this? This is way too much..." Though I didn't have to spend my money, I couldn't let someone else do it and have to pay way more than expected.

"Calm down, it's all on me so don't worry" he pinched my cheeks.

"I wish if I had a boyfriend like him" the cashier turned to me and gave me a lopsided smile. "You're lucky" she grinned then handed us our things.

I looked at Toge before answering her and he was already grinning stupidly.

"He's- he's not my boyfriend" I nervously laughed it off.

"Yet" Toge added. Yet? What does he mean by yet? I'm only just staying for 1 month..come to think of it- why am I even staying?! I don't even know what to call our friendship...but we've done things, things you wouldn't expect mere friends to do.

I just didn't say anything in defense and left it as it was.

After he paid for it all we went to get dinner then headed home.

"Great! Now you won't have to complain about not having clothes to wear." He rested the shopping bags next to the couch and just disappeared into another room.

Though the other rooms were empty I took inhabitance of the room opposite his. It had everything in it except a bed so I used it as my room when I wanted privacy. I left the bunch of shopping bags in the room and went to take a bath. I still didn't see Toge after he had disappeared.

When I came out of my room after showering I saw Toge's door slam shut.

What's wrong with him? It's like he's been hiding...

It was getting late quickly so I went to the couch but I couldn't manage to fall asleep. I had this urge to go to Toge's room for no reason at all.

I got up from the couch and stood infront of his door for a while but couldn't bring myself to knock. What if he's sleeping? What if I wake him? What if he asks me what stupid shit I'm doing? What if he thinks I'm a creep for standing in front of his door like a lost puppy??

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