Chapter 32

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My face was faced down, pressing on the hard floor. I could hear grumbling around me and heavy breathing coming from beside me. I managed to open my eyes and observed my surroundings. My gaze quickly fell upon the dude next to me.


His head was bracing against a wall, his cheeks were covered in gashes and dirt was smeared on them. Is he okay?! What the fu€k happened after I blacked out?!

He slowly turned his head in my direction, when our eyes met I could see tears in his eyes. What happened to him? Did I do something to hurt him?

He looked at me like if something devastating happened but couldn't bring himself to speak of it. We were in some sort of basement, trapped in darkness. I scooted closer to his lifeless body that was tattered up.

"What happened? Are you okay? Where are we? What happened after I fainted?? What did Sukuna do?!" I couldn't control my tone and began spatting questions out of nowhere. Unanswered questions went rampant in my mind.

"Y-your mom...she's-" he paused, a single tear dropped from his eyes onto my hand that was caressing his cheek. "She's what?" I asked hesitantly. "She's dead" the words barely came out of his mouth in a low whisper.

This can't be. She's what? Dead?! No no no there's no way.....he didn't! Did Sukuna kill her?! She can't be fu€king dead! She can't!

"She's-" I couldn't even think right. It's like my whole life was falling apart and there was no way to fix it. I just hoped it was a dream, or just something unreal but Toge's expression was all too well too composed. His tears looked forced and his face was emotionless now. He began to laugh but it also sounded like he was crying.

"I killed her" he said with a crooked smile.

"What?!" I couldn't believe my eyes. He was laughing and crying at the same time and had a sinister look on his face. This isn't Toge...

"Sukuna?!" His face turned in my direction and gave me a cold stare. Chills ran down my spine as I watched him get up. He was in Toge's body...but how?!

"What the hell did you do to Toge?!!" I yelled, my voice was shaky and I trembled out of fear.

"Oh, your boyfriend's fine. I'm just borrowing his body. Your mom on the other hand...damn her screams were so pleasing to my ears." He dramatically said while licking his lips. His face showed no remorse whatsoever.

"You sick fu€king monster!! Leave Toge alone!" I bellowed. Tears were falling from my cheeks but all I was filled with was anger. It was all directed towards him but I couldn't bring myself to even try to hurt him because he was still in Toge's body.

"You'll die either way so let me just elaborate on why I did this" He spoke. His baritone voice echoed throughout the dark, empty basement.

"I was just bored of humanity and it's stupidness so I wanted to cleanse it. The 4 clan leaders reigned over Japan but they always neglected the poorer parts of the cities. They didn't care about our well-being so this lead to many deaths in the commoner areas. I hated them so I found a way to kill them. I found the curse, took its power and unleashed havoc on the land, thus killed most of them. I didn't think 'powers' would have evolved...but here we are. I'm still alive so I'll just continue my rampage. Fu€k this stupid world and it's hypocrisy."

"That's it?! You killed my mom because of that shit?!! I exclaimed out of frustration.

" see that book had the instructions on how to kill me so I had to destroy it." He said with a smirk. Does none of this concern him?! How can he be so calm! He's truly a demon...

𝗙𝗮𝘁𝗲~ Toge Inumaki Where stories live. Discover now