Chapter 35

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I watched him stand there as the car drove off. He was waving at me as he was slowly disappearing into the horizon. I couldn't see him anymore...and I won't be seeing him anymore.

I was headed to Kyoto city. A whole new change of environment and people. Though moving out might seem rushed, Kyoto city also had a sorcery academy so I wasn't going there blindly but how am I going to survive there all on my own? What if I'm just stupid to leave Toge? Was any of the decisions that I made, right? What if I'm just messing myself up more?!

Well, too late to turn back now.

I have a new life now.


I was rushing out of my apartment to get to 'work'. It was urgent and I was to get there asap but it was literally 4 in the damn morning but not listening to the head would lead to consequences.

Being 20 and having to provide everything for myself was hard but I got used to it. I was working at Kyoto Jujutsu high as a trainee but I hardly get sent on missions to kill or capture demons. I usually have to mentor other kids, usually 2nd grade students who didn't graduate yet but today seemed different. I was called directly to Sir Yuta's office.

"But sir today is my—" he didn't even wait for what I had to say. He just spoke over me.

"It's your first mission. Are you going to let it go just like that?! Pack your things, you're going to Tokyo." He quickly added, making me falter.

"M-my first mission?? In Tokyo..." I was really excited and didn't care where it was.

"Yes, everyone else is busy so I was left with appointing you to it. Please don't disappoint me." He handed me a file with the case I was to check out. It was a major disturbance in Tokyo next to a school that was shut down recently because of reported cases of haunting and ghost sitings. If only people knew there were demons living among them...

"Thank you sir! When do I have to leave for this?" As much as I was happy that I was finally assigned a mission it was unfortunately on my birthday.

"Today" he abruptly said.

"Okay sir." I couldn't put it off for another day nor could I argue with him so I accepted his offer.


I was already on my way to Tokyo, driving in my car. It wasn't too far away from Kyoto so I reached quickly. When I arrived at the road head that lead to the school another car came into view. It was parked and left facing the school. I remember Sir Yuta mentioning something about someone else being there from another academy but did the person reach already? If someone else was already there why would I have to go?

I parked my car next to the person's and walked the rest. When the entire school came into view it could be seen how badly damaged it was and how old it looked. The plants in the compound were withered and the school itself just gave off a bad vibe. The entrance to the school was already pried open. This could be the work of vandalizing kids, a demon or the unknown sorcerer, whichever one, I still needed to keep my guard up.

The inside had rubbish and dust all around. Broken desks, rusty lockers and the trail of someone's footprint was imprinted in the dust.

"A demon? No these look like human footprints..." I followed its trail and it led to an empty classroom. The trail ended there but there was no one in sight.

There was no sign of a living organism inhabiting the school so it was indeed a demon but it's trace was faint and everywhere, making it hard to pinpoint its location. When I was about to leave a figure popped out of nowhere and pinned me against the wall. My face was bracing the cold wall and I couldn't see who or what it was.

"Who are you and why are you here." -unknown

It's human.

I couldn't turn around to face him because he was holding me up against the wall.

"I—" I was rendered speechless because I was caught off guard and I needed time to catch my breath.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The person spoke in a more stern tone.

"I'm a sorcerer who works at Kyoto Jujutsu high and I was sent here by Sir Yuta to investigate this place" I blurted out. He was probably another sorcerer too, maybe the one Sir Yuta was talking about.

When he heard that his grip loosened on my back. I sighed in relief but he still had me bracing the wall.

"I need proof." -unknown

"Seriously? A normal human wouldn't even know this shi- I mean stuff. Why do you still need proof?" -y/n

"Just because. I was told not to trust anyone." He shrugged.

"Ok, can you at least let me breathe properly." I mumbled. "Half of my face is stone cold right now." I shivered.

His grip completely loosened and I was now free. I reached into my pocket for the identification card which showed where I worked under but I couldn't find it. I still didn't get to look at him since my back was facing him.

"Damnit." I muttered under my breath. It wasn't in my pocket. Did I leave it in the car?

I slowly turned around, my gaze was glued to the floor. "I don't have my id on me—" he let out a small chuckle, like he was laughing at my clumsiness. "What kind of sorcerer doesn't have their id on them while on a mission?" He was making fun of me.

When I looked at him my jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

"Tog—" I stopped myself. Does he not recognize me? He looks the same...white hair, violet eyes, tall and absolutely gorgeous.

"What?" He asked in confusion. "You were about to say something." His voice trailed off. Does he really not recognize me?? Well it's been 3 whole years..

It seems as though I was the only one who held on...

"N-nothing. I thought I saw something move behind you" I lied. I rubbed the back of my head as I watched his expression change. He looked serious now.

He took a step closer to me and I hesitantly stepped back. "Aren't you going to look behind you?" I said, my voice was shaky. "Why would I? I know you're lying." A faint grin appeared on his face.

My heart was beating unusually fast as he came closer. I was now bracing the wall once again but this time I was facing him. His hand went to the side of my face. I gulped.

"W-what are you doing?" I couldn't tell if he realized who I was or if he was just toying with me.

"Say my name" his voice was alluring just as how it was before. I could feel my heart beating much more faster.

"I- I don't know your name" I lied once again.

"Lies, they're all lies." He cocked his brow and lowered his face closer to mine.

"I know you know who I am, Y/N." The seals were on his cheeks.


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