Chapter 8

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Thankfully I made it home safely untouched. I was a bit shaken when I had showed up there without even trying to go at the playground. It's like my mind was blank and my feet were unconsciously walking on its own. Why there? Why go back there of all places? It felt as though I was being drawn to it. My injury was being drawn to it.

I went straight up to my room after I noticed my mom wasn't home yet. While I was taking a bath, my healed skin began to burn. I could feel an outburst of heat coming from inside my leg. When I examined it closely I could see that my wound somehow reopened. Two claw marks were now visible, emerging from my skin. I quickly finished bathing to get another bandage in order to seal up the wound. My hands were trembling as I tried to patch myself up. Coincidentally, when I was finished with everything I heard my mom pull up in the driveway.

I ran down to greet her and the first place here eyes fell upon was my leg. She had this expression on her face like she knew exactly what was going on. She motioned for me to sit while she also took a seat on the couch. She examined my leg then took off the bandage to inspect the wound. It wasn't hurting at all but just the sight of it was kind of disgusting.

She let out a heavy sigh then covered back the wound. She rested her head on the back of the couch as if she was contemplating if she should tell me whatever she had to.

Was it that bad?

She looked over in my direction with worried eyes, cupping her hand on my cheeks.

"Y/'ve got yourself into big trouble here."
"That wound is a mark. You're like a prize that needs to be won. This means that, that demon has claimed you as its prey and won't stop hunting you until it's satisfied." She narrated in a low monotone.

She paused for a while, taking in a deep breath then continuing.

"I find this very strange. Demons don't normally do that...they're very impatient so they'd rather not go after 1 single prey. This could only mean that they're being controlled." She put emphasis on the word controlled making it sound a lot more scarier.

"Unless...." She halted, then muttered something under her breath. She discontinued the sentence as though her idea was too impossible to be true.

I was claimed? Why me? I'm just an ordinary person; an idiot mostly. But why me? My life is crappy already enough.

This doesn't make any sense.

"What about the thumping sensation I feel? When I went by the playground the wound started to pulsate.Why?" -Y/n

"Well that's a sign signaling that the demon is near." -mom

But- but when I was there this afternoon it wasn't there...on the other hand, my mom knows a lot about these things. I dont know if I should be worried or amazed.

"I don't know exactly what's going on but it's bad. You should be more careful now. Your powers haven't shown itself yet so it's dangerous for you to defend yourself." -mom

I just sat there, listening quietly to everything she was saying. At this point none of this was surprising or impossible. Seeing is believing.

She was finished with explaining about it all and we both went into the kitchen. Today marked 3 days since we moved yet tons of unexpected things happened. We both lost our appetite so we settled with toast and eggs. While we were peacefully eating I remembered what intriguing stuff we learnt about at school when Mr. Satoru was explaining and decided to share with my mom. When I mentioned the 4 clans her entire body tensed up. Had she known what I was talking about?

In my eyes even though this was all very dangerous, it was still very interesting. I wasn't quite sure why I felt the need to talk about Toge but I ended up telling my mom about him and how he saved me. She was very shocked when she heard about his powers and so was I. He had unlocked his while the rest of us in A-4 struggled to. But why had he kept it secret? Why had he kept all of the things this morning secret? Only one way to find out.


It was nightfall and I had decided to go on my phone while I was in bed. Social media was very boring these days with lame news of stupid wars with presidents, people fighting over if DC or Marvel was better and just more ways how the earth was slowly dying. I hadn't any of my new friends number so I was disconnected from speaking to them online.

The night was cold and eerie. Rain poured on the rooftop, beating like drums. The backyard's metal gate was screeching as it opened and slammed shut because of the strong wind. Rustling and the sound of screaming filled the air. I pulled the blanket over my entire body in order to gain as much warmth as possible. The sounds were just getting louder and louder, echoing in my brain. I couldn't take it anymore. I scrambled in my bed, pulling off the covers and got up with my phone in my hand. The place was mat black and no lights were on, not even the street lamps. I quickly turned on my flash and scoped out my room just in case something was in it. I traced my light all over but froze when I had shone it on the ground leading to my door. There was a trail of weirdly shaped green leaves on the floor following to my door. I followed it but hesitated to touch the knob of the door. I finally gave in and opened it but at the same time my light flickered off and my phone died.
I still walked through but what I was expecting to pop up on the other side of the door was way different from what I was witnessing. I was in a brightly lit room, filled with candles and sliding paper doors. Wooden walls were surrounding me from every direction. This wasn't my house....not even close to it. I was shocked when someone came through a door that lay slightly open in front of me. He greeted me with much respect as if I was royalty. He didn't seem phased at all but I was blown out of my mind. I watched as he took a seat on the floor next to a traditional wooden table used for teatime. I looked down at myself and saw that I was fully dressed in a traditional kimono. The person next to me was wearing a yukata and gestured for me to sit. I sat down quietly, trying not to look dumbfounded or suspicious. The person in front of me spoke first in a hushed tone as if he was trying to whisper a secret.

"Ma'am, do you agree with the plan?" He asked in a very low voice. He had a scar by his cheek and looked like he had been through terrible things.

What plan? Why is he calling me ma'am? Where even am I?

Before I could think of something to say, another random person bursted through the paper doors but this time he was covered in blood. He was panting for breath and had a tight grip on what looked like a sword in his hand which was also coated in blood. The sounds of screaming could be heard from all directions. Loud devilish roars and the clanging of metal echoed everywhere. My body shot up as it reacted to the commotion going on all around me. I could hear screaming coming from people outside. I was shaken with fear as I heard the man who I sat with yelling at me to run. I quickly took for the door I came through but it was gone. A blank, flat white wall took its place. I turned to the next possible working door, sliding it open and ran through it without looking back.

I was back in my room, with my back pressed against the door, staring at my messy bed. I turned around and opened the door once again but all I got was my normal visual; the hallway leading to the steps downstairs.

What had just happened?? Where was I? What's going on??

I looked down at my feet and saw that they were covered in blood. My body shivered as cold air entered through an open window. I ran to the bathroom and flicked on the lights to wash my feet. There was no cut that could lead to the blood nor did my wound bleed out so where did the blood come from? I was lost in thoughts as I made my way back to my bed. When I checked the time on the bedside clock it displayed 2:41 am. How long had I been out? Was that a dream?!

It felt so real.......

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