Chapter 2

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It was 8:50 and I could hear someone knocking at my door. I grabbed my pillow and placed it over my face, blocking the sunlight from reaching my eyes.

"Y/n! You're going to be late on your first day so get up." I could hear my mom sighing through the door. First day...! As much as I hated school, this one seemed mysteriously interesting.

"I'll be down in a sec," I groaned before getting out of bed. I quickly snapped out of my sleeping trance and brushed my teeth before going downstairs to eat breakfast. I was wearing my uniform and it was actually comfortable even though it was a one piece. It was an all black with buttons at the side.

I quickly finished eating then grabbed my shoes and backpack, going through the front door. "Mom, I'm going now!" I yelled back at her hoping she'd hear. As I was about to close the door I felt a strong presence behind the door, pulling it back. I reluctantly let go of the door, making it swing open revealing none other than my mom.

"'s just you." I sighed in relief. The weird presence I felt before vanished making me feel a bit safe.

"Huh? What do you mean just me? Was there someone else here? Oh yeah I came to tell you, I'm also coming with you to your school. No questions. I need to make sure it's the right one." -mom

"Right one? Come on mom you don't actually think I'd go to the wrong school now, do you?" - y/n

"Let's forget about that and get going." She had a huge smile plastered on her face but something was off. The whole moving because of her job, the neighborhood, the boy in the picture and now the school was off. Last night, there was a strange light emitting from our neighbor's house and then there was sounds of lightning. Maybe it was just their tv? I forgot to check the picture with the boy but I remember leaving it in my drawer in case it randomly showed up somewhere else.

We both walked to the school in silence. It was only a 10 minute walk so we reached the school quickly. It looked like a normal school on the outside but on the inside it was designed in traditional Japanese style. There were students everywhere and they were staring at us as we entered. As soon as I stepped foot into the building I felt a large aura around us. What's this feeling and why am I getting it? Why is everyone staring at us? Do we not fit in?

"Mom." I quietly called, tugging at her sleeve until she noticed me. I looked at her with a confused look on my face.
"Don't worry, you'll fit right in." She said before giving me a smile. We made our way to the principal's office and awaited for him to let us in. We were greeted by an old man, who looked like his bones were made of dust. He was the only person who looked averagely normal that we met.

"You must be Y/N. I am Yoshinobu Gakuganji the head of this esteemed college." -Y.G

I shook his outstretched hand which felt like I was just holding a bag of bones. When I touched his hand I felt a rush of emotions build up inside me. I could feel calmness but also something of power running through his hand. What is this feeling....what is happening to me? What is this man?

I snapped out of my thoughts as he let go of my grip. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow before turning to speak to my mom in private. I was told that my class was A-4 on the 3rd floor of the school. I was awkwardly walking around as if I was lost in space, trying to find my classroom. While I was walking I had accidentally dropped the stack of books principal Y.G gave me. I bent down to pick them up and when I got up my eyes caught a small glimpse of a guy in white walking past me, then vanished. I turned back in shock because he just vanished right before my eyes. I quickly went back to look for my classroom since I heard the bell ring.

After minutes of walking up steps, I finally made it. I was standing in front of the door, nervously twitching my hands. I can do this. I can do this. I totally wasn't weirded out the whole time I came here. I'm fine. We're all fine. I grabbed the handle to open the door when another sudden rush of emotions tingled inside me. It's like I could feel the emotion in the atmosphere. Why is this happening? Again? I- I can feel slight joy coming from inside the room. I carefully opened the door to see a bunch of dimwits in a chaotic manner. There was a girl with green hair and glasses yelling at a guy with black and white hair, a guy with a pink undercut messing around a guy with spiky black hair with a ginger haired girl inciting their playful behavior. I saw a girl with very nice long blue hair who looked like she was daydreaming, a huge guy with big mussels flexing how great they were to everyone and calling out to the pink hair dude as "best friend" and lastly a girl with short dark hair who focused her gaze on the girl yelling at the dude. This is a mess....

I quietly walked into the room, trying not to gain anyone's attention but failed to do so when I heard someone excitedly yell, "NEW STUDENT!" I sighed as I knew that they'd probably laugh at me or something. I stood there frozen as they all turned their gaze to me.

"Hi everyone. I'm Y/N." I said with slight confidence in my voice. I looked down at my feet awaiting for the feeling of embarrassment to wash over me.

"Hey Y/n!" I heard someone say in an excited voice. I looked up to see everyone smiling at me. Damn they aren't that bad. Maybe I could fit in. I hesitantly moved from in front the class to look for an empty seat. The same dude with pink hair came up to me, leading me to two empty seats at the back of the class. I randomly chose one and quietly sat down before thanking him.

These people aren't that bad. They seem nice..especially the pink hair dude. I should find out his name.....

"Uh....." -y/n

"Oh yeah where are my manners. My name's Yuji Itadori." He said as he took a seat next to me.

"The two people near me are my friends, Megumi, the guy who looks dead and the girl is Nobara. The girl with green hair and glasses is Maki Zenin and the one she's yelling at is panda. Uh we'll get to the explanation of his name later. The dude who keeps calling me his best friend is Aoi and the girl with short hair next to him is Mai Zenin. The blue haired girl is Kasumi and the kawai girl is Momo. Hmmm there's more but we'll get to them later. Oh and someone is missing and you're sitting in their seat but I don't think they'll mind. I said quite a lot so I'll leave to let you take in all this." -Yuji

Well heck I don't think I'll remember half those names but not even kidding everyone looks FINE asf.

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