Chapter 35- Liam

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Emily is hiding something from me I can feel it I know she wants to tell me cause she'll walk up to me, open her mouth, close her mouth and then just kiss me and normally it wouldn't bother me but I'm getting really curious since it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know.

It's been a month since school ended and here I am at my dining table in my house staring at the letters in front of me. I applied to eight colleges because my mom said I needed to 'expand my horizons', whatever that means. I'm too nervous to open any of them.

What if I don't get into any of them?

My grades weren't so great and I don't even know what I plan to be in the future. Why do I have to decide this now anyway? Adults always say I'm too young to be making big decisions yet they expect me to select my future while I'm still a 'child' and 'too immature to make grown up decisions'.

This is so stressful.

Five minutes later I opened all of the letters from colleges around the country and I only got acceptance from three of them. Three! Out of eight....Can you believe that? I'm so proud.

I know where all of my friends are going and if I chose the one in Arizona I can be with Justin and Chris and I wanna go to college with them, I also want to be with Emily but she has yet to tell me where she might go.

I whipped out my phone and texted her to come over and waited for her reply. She told me she would be over soon so I put my phone back in my pocket and cleaned up the open letters.

I heard whimpering and looked down to see my dog Carley, Chris once told me beagles aren't manly dogs but I rescued Carley when she was abandoned so I don't care, I patted her head.

"What's wrong Carley?" I cooed as I picked her up and she cried a bit more before squirming out of my arms and running towards the backdoor.

I got up from my seat and opened the back door for her and watched her run towards a tree to go her business.

After watching her for a few minutes I started raiding the fridge seconds later my butt was slapped making me turn around quickly. Emily and Jonathan was standing there, Emily laughing behind her hand.

"Don't slap my butt again missy."

She shook her head and put her hands up to say she's innocent making me shift my eyes to Jonathan who had his behind his back.

"Guilty." he winked

I blinked.

"I'm telling Chris." I stated before walking away, I heard Emily burst out laughing but it sounded different than her normal laugh.

I called Carley in then looked at Emily. "Why does your laugh sound like that?"

She smiled up at me before looking at Jonathan who nodded "Little Emily here lost her wittle voice. So she sent me here to voice her every word."

"How do you-"

"Know what she's gonna say? We planned everything before we got here."

I walked over to her and hugged her "How did you lose your voice?" Jonathan cleared his throat before mimicking Emily, "Well me and Jonathan were play Call Of Duty and he was kicking my butt, he was so great at the game you should've seen him babe. Anyways I was shouting so much that I lost my voice."

I laughed at Emily's face as she pouted at me then glared at Jonathan. "I don't sound like that." her voice was scratchy as she spoke Jonathan smirked "Now Emily, we both know you aren't supposed to be speaking for a couple days."

Her face scrunched up and she looked annoyed. "Anyways I need to know what college you're going to. It'll help my decision."

Jonathan and Emily glanced at each other, their expressions match one another, eyebrows scrunched together in worry. "That's what she wanted to tell you and even though she isn't supposed to speak for a few days I thought she'd ought to tell you." he gave her a small smile before exiting the room.

"C'mon Carley let's let mommy and daddy talk alone."

Emily blushed at Jonathan's statement before looking up at me once more. "So umm about that. I plan on attending a fashion design thing in.....Italy," she paused as she heard my breath hitch "Sarah is coming with me! If that's what you're worried about."

Silence. I was utterly speechless "You don't even know Italian." I spoke slowly she chuckled softly "Actually I took a course last year and for my junior year."

"You can't go to Italy. You know how many hot guys will be all up on you! What about us?" she bit her lip as she contemplated "That's not the only school I applied for and who sent me a confirmation letter or whatever you'd like to call it." Emily rolled her eyes as she said it.

"Well I might go to Arizona with Justin and Chris." I muttered "That's still far away, and long distance can work right? I'll talk to you when I can when I'm in Italy." her voice kinda gave up on her at the end of her sentence so I went and got her some water.

"So you are going to Italy?" I sat down and slouched she took a sip of her drink "It's honestly one of the coolest fashion design schools I've seen already Liam, I know we just got together after forever but this is my dream school....."


She walked over to me and pulled me out of my chair and kissed me on my lips "No pouting. 'Kay?" she gave me a small smile and I just hugged her "I just don't want us to be apart. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." she said quietly making me freeze in my spot. This is the first time she's said it to me, any other time she would just smile and or kiss. I pull away from her and say "No I'm serious Emily. I'm in love with you." Emily gave me a big smile "I'm serious too," she laughed as I cut her off with a kiss "I am in love with you Liam."

I gave her another hug. "And not just because your name is Liam like Liam Payne." she mumbled into my chest.

"LIAM! YOUR DOG PEED ON ME!" Jonathan shouted from my room, we heard his feet coming down the stairs and he had a big wet stain on his shirt.


this chapter sucks :/

i'm not editing the story anymore until i fully finish the book so if i made an error please tell me, like if a sentence doesn't make sense or whatever not if i said 'your' instead of 'you're' cause thats annoying

oops i ranted. #sorrynotsorry

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