Chapter 21-Liam

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What is Sophia trying to do? I read her message and now my face is burning up, I hate blushing it's so noticeable on me.

I didn't get to read the message until my last period of the day. Which was the class with Emily, Andrew, Luke and Chris.

Ever since yesterday before I went to sleep I came to the conclusion that I do in fact have a crush on Emily.

I can't help my feelings.

When she laughs it sounds like music to my ears, she throws her head back and sometimes let's out an unattractive snort, which I find adorable, that's why I love telling her corny jokes and doing whatever it takes to hear her laugh.

Or when she looks at me time just seems to stop and I just feel like I'm in a trance.

When she hugs me or just touches I get upset when she let's go, wanting her to stay in my arms forever, wanting to feel the goosebumps to feel the electricity run through my body.

And especially when she smiles her wonderful smile. The way her eyes shine bright and her eyes crinkle up it just makes my heart swell up and skips a beat.

And do not get me started on her dimples. God her dimples are deeper than-

"What's got you all smiley?" Chris said breaking me from my thoughts

I quickly wiped the smile off my face "What smile?" I asked 'confused'

"Dude you were smiling and you were looking at...." he trailed off looking at Emily "Emily you were smiling and looking at-DUDE NO FUCKING WAY!"

He was smiling "MR. SUMMERS." Our teacher interrupted with her arms crossed

"What now?" his smile vanished and he looked at the teacher annoyed

"You have just violated three rules and class just started fifteen minutes ago." she scolded

"Really and what would those be?" he tested her, every class has at least one class clown who talks back to the teacher

Chris is that kid.

She breathed in deeply before breathing out again "You were talking while I'm trying to teach, you interrupted the class with your outburst and finally you said an inappropriate word that should not b-"

"BULLSHIT! Liam was talking to me, it's not like I was talking to myself, not to mention you interrupted my conversation so your rude miss and lastly I heard you say the word 'fuck' under your breath when you dropped your marker." the class was trying to hold in there laughs

Ms Robinson was fuming with aggravation right now "Just go to the principals office Mr. Summers." she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

He sighed loudly "If I must." grabbing his backpack and getting up "BYE LIAM. HI EMILY. BYE EMILY." He shouted before leaving.



I'm so sorry this is short! I can't think of anything right now so I'm very sorry, I'l try to make the next chapter longer. Think of this as a filler....I don't know. I'm honestly sorry though....hope you like it

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