Chapter 1 -Emily

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"Emily? Liam? Its time to come inside now." I heard Mrs.Colliins call from the front porch I turned my head towards Liam and he put his finger to his lips signaling that I should stay quiet. We were hiding behind a bush. "C'mon kids its about to rain." She called but we stayed where we were giggling, I felt a drop on my hand then another one I looked up and saw that it was raining. "Liam we should go inside now." I told him and he nodded and we came out from the bush and ran towards the door getting drenched on the way there. "Let's get you guys some towels." Mrs Collins said while going to get some.

"Em are you coming to my birthday? I'm turning six." Liam stated "Yeah I'm coming. And i know your turning six dummy." I said giggling and gave him a hug.

Beep Beep. Beep Beep. Beep Beep. Bee-

I turned off my alarm on my phone making it stop that annoying noise and lazily pulled the covers off of my body, and sat up. "EMILY TIME TO GET UP." I heard my dad shout from the kitchen "I'M UP DADDY." I shouted before going into the bathroom to shower. Throughout my shower I kept thinking about the dream I had, it was more like a flashback really of when I was about four and everything was ok, when my life was going great and I didnt have a care in the world.

After my shower I put on a grey batman shirt and black skinny jeans then I put my hair in a ponytail and did my make-up. "EMILY." My dad shouted "I'M COMING." I shouted making my way downstairs and going into the kitchen.

When I got down there breakfast was on the table and my little brother was already eating pancakes and bacon and pouring to much syrup onto his pancakes. "James are you going to pour the whole freaking bottle?" I questioned taking the bottle from his hands "Shut up Em." James said sticking his toungue out at me and I did the same back to him.

"Well I gotta go. Bye guys love you." My dad said kissing the top of our heads and leaving out the door. "Are you almost finished with your food? We're gonna be late if you dont hurry." James said "Since when are you so excited to go to school?" "Yesterday Ms. Clifford said that if we behaved we can get chocolate cake and we did so today we get chocolate cake." James explained to me making me nod in understanding.

"Ok you got your backpack? What about your homework? Ok lets go." I said when he told me he had everything and grabbed my little backpack. When I dropped him off he gave me a hug before going inside.

When I got to school I headed straight to my locker to get my books but I bumped into someone and walked straight into there chest. I lost my balance and fell down landing on my butt "Oops so sorry about tha-" before I could finish my sentence the guy interupted me "What did I tell you about touching me? Watch where your going next time dork." The guy who I just realized is Liam said harshly before walking past and purposely bumping into my shoulder why did I apologize anyway I'm the one that fell down and hurt my butt.

Liam Collins we used to be friends,best friends actually but then for some unknown reason to me he stopped talking to me and became such a meanie pants and he now hates me. As time grew on he kept teasing me and I just stopped trying and avoided him all together.

The bell brought me out of my thoughts and I headed to class. When I got there I sat down next to Sohpia my best friend. "Hey Soph." I greeted smiling at her "Hey Em." she smiled "I bumped into Liam in the hall." I told her and her smile vanished and a scowl replaced it. "God he's such an asshole." She said rolling her eyes. She knows what happened between Liam and I and she thinks he's wrong for what he did and what he's doing.

(A/N): Soo? How do you like it so far? Sorry if there are any typos that I missed. Also dont forget to vote and stuff :)

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